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Zjistěte všechny informace o společnosti المصنع العماني للالمنيوم والستائر المعدنية
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Poslední aktualizace: led 30, 2024

المصنع العماني للالمنيوم والستائر المعدنية


není v likvidaci na adrese 30. led 2024

Limited Liability Company

Oman 23 říj 1975 (před 49 lety)

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Názevالمصنع العماني للالمنيوم والستائر المعدنية
  • ActiveActive
Číslo společnostiCode1018477
Datum založení23 říj 1975 (před 49 lety) / 5 společnosti se stejným datem
Upsaný základní kapitál150,000.000
Hodnota akcií1.000
Vydané akcie150,000.000
Právní formaLimited Liability Company
Typ činnosti
  • Sekundární:
  • #475206 - Retail sale in specialized stores of decorative products (décor), industrial roofing and insulation materials
  • #259913 - Manufacture of metal signs and car plates
  • #259914 - Manufacture of metallic manhole covers
  • #251105 - Manufacture and installation of metal products made of parts in the same unit used in construction such as doors, windows and their frames, shutters and gates (metal workshops)
  • #251106 - Aluminium workshops
  • #433003 - Plastering, painting and decorating
  • #259916 - Manufacture of metal roofs
  • #259917 - Manufacture of Metal Lamps
  • #259907 - Manufacture of metal goods for office use, except furniture
  • #461004 - Trading business agencies (excluding portfolio and security exchange)
  • #259915 - Manufacture of metal extensions of air-conditioning ducts
  • #461003 - Activities of export and import offices
  • #466202 - Wholesale Segments and Withdrawals Aluminum, Ferrous and Non-Ferrous

Kontaktní údaje

Právní adresaMuscat Governorate / Al Amrat / Wady Htat, وادي حطاط, Building Number 000000, Postal Code 100, P.O. Box 712




رنا بنت ناصر بن محمد الريامية

Limited Liability Partner


Počet akcií14437



Mohamed Barakat Mohamed Al Riyami

Limited Liability Partner


Počet akcií14438

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Daňové informace

Datum ukončení rozpočtového roku31 December


ČísloTypDatum vydání
01000550251105, -, Manufacture, and, installation, of, metal, products, made, of, parts, in, the, same, unit, used, in, construction, such, as, doors,, windows, and, their, frames,, shutters, and, gates, (metal, workshops), 259907, -, Manufacture, of, metal, goods, for, office, use,, except, furniture, 251106, -, Aluminium, workshops, 259915, -, Manufacture, of, metal, extensions, of, air-conditioning, ducts, 259916, -, Manufacture, of, metal, roofs, 259913, -, Manufacture, of, metal, signs, and, car, plates, 259914, -, Manufacture, of, metallic, manhole, covers, 259917, -, Manufacture, of, Metal, Lamps15 kvě 1976
L1106815251106, -, Aluminium, workshops06 lis 2018
01000550251105, -, Metal, Workshops, 259907, -, Manufacture, of, metal, goods, for, office, use,, except, furniture, 251106, -, Aluminium, workshops, 259915, -, Manufacture, of, metal, extensions, of, air-conditioning, ducts, 259916, -, Manufacture, of, metal, roofs, 259913, -, Manufacture, of, metal, signs, and, car, plates, 259914, -, Manufacture, of, metallic, manhole, covers, 259917, -, Manufacture, of, Metal, Lamps15 kvě 1976

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Často kladené otázky

Kde se nachází sídlo společnosti المصنع العماني للالمنيوم والستائر المعدنية?

Sídlo společnosti المصنع العماني للالمنيوم والستائر المعدنية se nachází na adrese Muscat Governorate / Al Amrat / Wady Htat, وادي حطاط, Building Number 000000, Postal Code 100, P.O. Box 712.

Jaké je odvětví المصنع العماني للالمنيوم والستائر المعدنية?

المصنع العماني للالمنيوم والستائر المعدنية působí v odvětví Retail sale in specialized stores of decorative products (décor), industrial roofing and insulation materials

V jakém roce bylo založeno المصنع العماني للالمنيوم والستائر المعدنية?

المصنع العماني للالمنيوم والستائر المعدنية byla založena v roce 1975