
Meier Monika


Empresas relacionadas

Nombre de la empresaFunción en la empresaNombrado elDimitió el
Babycenter Buchs AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates10 oct 2019-
Sourire en Soie AGdelegate of the board of directors30 ago 199003 ago 1995
Robit AGmember of the board of directors22 may 200812 ago 2020
Robit AGmember of the board of directors12 ago 2020-
EMAG Holding AGhaving right to sign14 mar 200511 abr 2018
Raum & Fabrik AGmember of the board of directors04 mar 202016 sep 2020
Stena Metall AGhaving right to sign06 may 2020-
Sten Met Insurance AGhaving right to sign03 jun 2013-
Attilio Meier AGmember of the board of directors12 dic 1991-
AM Leuchtkastenbau AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates--
vi-naturalis KLGpartner27 abr 2021-
ROSALIE , Meier Monikaowner17 nov 2015-
gutschlafen.ch AGmember of the board of directors15 jul 200530 jun 2006
WEINBAUGENOSSENSCHAFT DÖTTINGENmember of the administration+clerk03 jul 200029 jul 2013
Wohngenossenschaft LindengartenMitglied des Vorstandes und Kassiererin24 jul 2003-
SEDO ENGINEERING SA04 dic 201414 dic 2018
Mac Baby Genossenschaft in Liquidationvicepresident of the administration03 oct 2019-
MEIBAG AG30 sep 2013-
MEL Gastro GmbHmanager partner07 oct 2013-
Migros Bank AG12 may 2021-
Sourire en Soie AGpresident of the board of directors+delegate of the board of directors03 ago 199514 nov 2000
Sourire en Soie AGpresident of the board of directors14 nov 200020 feb 2001
Sourire en Soie AGmember of the board of directors20 feb 200110 jul 2001
Sourire en Soie AGmember of the board of directors10 jul 200115 nov 2002
Sourire en Soie AGpresident of the board of directors15 nov 200206 ene 2004
Sourire en Soie AGmember of the board of directors06 ene 200422 oct 2019
Sourire en Soie AGpresident of the board of directors22 oct 201913 abr 2021
Sourire en Soie AGpresident of the board of directors13 abr 2021-
Stena Insurance AGhaving right to sign12 abr 2011-
Thunersee Yachtclub (TYC)member02 sep 2008-
Pferdesportgenossenschaft Rohrimoosmember19 jul 200418 jun 2009
J. Meier Grüt Transporte AGmember of the board of directors17 ene 2012-
HG Services GmbHpartner25 mar 200219 oct 2009
Haagächer Immobilien AGmember of the board of directors15 jul 2022-
AVA Actiengesellschaft für VermögensanlagenGeschäftsführerin20 sep 200531 ene 2013
Audaxum GmbHGeschäftsführerin09 dic 2020-
Limena Management GmbHGesellschafterin26 ene 200025 sep 2001