
Zimmermann Marc


Empresas relacionadas

Nombre de la empresaFunción en la empresaNombrado elDimitió el
avenirplus Immobilien AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates23 feb 2023-
Biollay Spezialbau AGPräsident18 jun 200919 abr 2012
Perdeila AGpresident of the board of directors05 oct 2016-
Stratus Immobilien AGpresident of the board of directors25 abr 2017-
Torso AG Churpresident07 oct 201108 ene 2015
Torso GmbHpartner and manager03 sep 200429 oct 2008
Torso GmbHmanager05 oct 2016-
Fontana AGmember and secretary of the board of directors23 feb 201814 jul 2021
I. Zimmermann Maschinenbau AGmember of the board of directors15 feb 2012-
Swiss Indoors AG26 feb 200902 jul 2018
Torso GmbHpartner and president of the management28 ene 201505 oct 2016
Femec AG in Liquidationassistant manager10 jun 201425 abr 2017
TS Lightning GmbHpartner15 abr 200315 jul 2008
v.FISCHER Immobilien AG25 sep 201507 may 2021
v.FISCHER Recht AG26 may 2016-
Welti-Furrer AG25 sep 2020-
ERMEWA SA, en liquidationsous-directeur13 feb 200215 oct 2010
Wolle Gret GmbHpartner and manager24 abr 200712 dic 2008
Wolle Gret GmbHpartner and president of the management12 dic 200812 ene 2015
Wolle Gret GmbHpartner and president of the management12 ene 201505 oct 2016
Wolle Gret GmbHmanager05 oct 2016-
Wolle Gret GmbH Churpartner and manager09 mar 201208 ene 2015
Wolle Gret GmbH Churpartner and manager08 ene 201512 oct 2016
Wolle Gret GmbH Churmanager12 oct 2016-
Wolle Gret Immobilien AGmember of the board of directors26 sep 2016-
ACE TRANSPORT SARL, en liquidationassocié gérant liquidateur15 jul 2020-
ACE TRANSPORT SARL, en liquidationassocié gérant20 sep 201715 jul 2020
G. de Rham & M. Zimmermann SAadm. président09 mar 2015-
ERMEWA SA, en liquidation12 feb 200113 feb 2002
Mashup GmbHpartner and manager20 dic 2017-
Mazimove Zimmermannowner26 abr 200610 abr 2012
Mazimove Zimmermannowner10 abr 2012-
FIO AGpresident28 feb 197918 jun 2018
FIO AGmember18 jun 2018-
FIBau Bern AGmember and secretary of the board of directors17 may 201730 dic 2022
Malwerkstatt Zimmermannowner24 feb 2014-
Torso AG Churpresident08 ene 201512 oct 2016
Torso AG Churmember12 oct 2016-
Torso GmbHpartner and president of the management29 oct 200828 ene 2015
TS Lightning GmbHpartner15 jul 200825 abr 2018
UBS AG15 dic 201711 jul 2018
Personalvorsorgestiftung der Krankenkasse KPTpresident06 abr 200028 nov 2005
PFS Vorsorgestiftung IImember of the Foundation Board27 mar 200720 ago 2019
Fritz Zimmermann AGpresident of the board of directors11 jun 2018-
Femec AG in Liquidationmanager25 abr 201717 jul 2019
Femec AG in Liquidationmanager+delegate of the board of directors17 jul 2019-
Carrosserie Kriesbach GmbHpartner and manager21 may 200828 feb 2014
Carrosserie Kriesbach GmbHpartner and manager28 feb 2014-
B8 Immobilien AGGeschäftsführer13 nov 202027 nov 2020
B8 Immobilien AGGeschäftsführer27 nov 2020-
FIBau Bern AGmember and secretary of the board of directors30 dic 2022-
Fontana AGmember and secretary of the board of directors14 jul 202118 jul 2023
Fontana AGmember of the board of directors18 jul 2023-
Freihofmatte Service GmbHGesellschafter04 abr 201125 feb 2019
Goldbach Media AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates23 may 2011-