
Kuhn Markus


Empresas relacionadas

Nombre de la empresaFunción en la empresaNombrado elDimitió el
SPGI Zurich AG04 jun 2018-
VERIT Immobilien AG01 oct 200816 nov 2015
Personalstiftung der OFRAG Vertriebsgesellschaftmember of the Foundation Board09 mar 201029 oct 2018
Reklame Fabrik GmbHpartner and manager11 ago 1997-
Sakret AG17 feb 200918 mar 2021
Sakret AGpresident of the board of directors18 mar 2021-
Amden Weesen Tourismuspresident of the committee12 feb 201430 mar 2023
Franz Kuhn AGmember of the board of directors10 feb 200318 feb 2005
Waser Works AGmember of the board of directors30 jun 2021-
Ktronics GmbHGesellschafter und Geschäftsführer--
Edelbrand Manufaktur GmbHpartner and manager06 dic 2018-
Franz Kuhn AGmember of the board of directors18 feb 200525 may 2011
Intercity Personalfürsorgestiftung in Liquidationmember of the Foundation Board01 nov 2018-
KARMA KAGYÜ STIFTUNGpresident of the committee of founding19 dic 199013 ago 2021
MS Kuhn Holding AGpresident of the board of directors03 sep 2020-
Campiglio-KMH AGmember of the board of directors28 may 200921 mar 2011
KARMA KAGYÜ STIFTUNGpresident of the committee of founding13 ago 2021-
Campiglio-KMH AGvicepresident of the board of directors14 may 199328 may 2009
Franz Kuhn AGpresident of the board of directors16 feb 2021-
Franz Kuhn AGpresident of the board of directors25 may 201116 feb 2012
Franz Kuhn AGpresident of the board of directors16 feb 201216 feb 2021