
Koller Beat


Empresas relacionadas

Nombre de la empresaFunción en la empresaCapital social desembolsadoPropiedadNombrado elDimitió el
ETAVIS Kriegel + Schaffner AGvice-director--22 ene 199716 jun 2000
Bindella Immobilien AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates--28 abr 201522 jul 2020
Bindella Immobilien AGPräsident des Verwaltungsrates--22 jul 2020-
BINDELLA Immobilien-Werte AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates--25 ago 201629 jun 2020
BINDELLA Immobilien-Werte AGPräsident des Verwaltungsrates--29 jun 2020-
BWT Bau AGmember of the board of directors--04 jul 2023-
Siemens Schweiz AGAuthorized signatory--27 sep 200429 nov 2005
Sinovis AGmember of the board of directors--01 feb 2013-
sme accounting agmember of the board of directors--15 may 2018-
sme finance agpresident of the board of directors--13 feb 2018-
sme partners agmember of the board of directors--22 jun 199206 abr 2005
sme partners agmember of the board of directors--06 abr 200520 sep 2006
sme partners agmember of the board of directors--04 feb 201318 mar 2016
sme partners agpresident of the board of directors+president of the management--18 mar 201624 may 2016
sme revision agpresident of the board of directors--25 mar 2019-
Müsali-Muusig Lozärnclerk--23 jul 2022-
OT Holding AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors--21 dic 201617 abr 2018
NordOst Treuhand GmbHpresident of the management--09 dic 201511 abr 2016
polynom ag--27 jul 199321 jul 1998
SWISS IT-Projects GmbHmanager--16 jul 200709 dic 2008
TAXI Regula AGmember of the board of directors--18 sep 201501 mar 2018
Gruner Region Bern AGpresident of the management--27 may 201002 dic 2011
Trewitax Zürich AGmember of the board of directors--19 dic 201202 feb 2015
fireo services AGpresident of the board of directors--07 nov 2018-
Vorsorgestiftung Sparen 3 der Schaffhauser Kantonalbankmember of the Foundation Board--11 ago 2015-
Waller Treuhand AGpresident of the board of directors--24 ago 201527 ago 2015
Waller Treuhand AGpresident of the board of directors--27 ago 201514 abr 2016
Juris Treuhand AGmember of the board of directors member of the management--04 sep 201509 nov 2015
Juris Treuhand AGdelegate of the board of directors member of the management--09 nov 201518 abr 2016
BKM Beat Koller Management AG in LiquidationPräsident des Verwaltungsrates----
BKM Beat Koller Management AG in LiquidationPräsident des Verwaltungsrates+Liquidator----
Bienna-Interfloor Sonceboz S.A. en liquidationMitglied des Verwaltungsrates----
Zuger KantonalbankAuthorized signatory--19 ene 201806 may 2019
ZINGG-LAMPRECHT AGmember of the board of directors--18 jun 2015-
Bau- und Wohngenossenschaft St. Gallen BAWOmember of the administration--30 may 200214 sep 2011
Betreute Alterswohnung DE SEPIBUSmember--20 abr 200708 feb 2010
Lifestyle Beteiligungs AGmember--29 jun 201817 ago 2022
Lüchinger + Schmid AG, Eier & Eiproduktemember of the board of directors--10 jul 201329 abr 2015
MARQUART TREUHAND AGmember of the board of directors--27 oct 201511 abr 2016
MeteoViva Schweiz GmbHpartner and manager--23 may 2014-
Siemens Healthcare AGmember of the board of directors--28 abr 2017-
Siemens Schweiz AG--08 abr 201324 ago 2017
Siemens Schweiz AG--27 sep 200416 jun 2010
sme partners agmember of the board of directors+president of the management--24 may 201612 feb 2018
sme partners agpresident of the board of directors+member of the management--12 feb 2018-
Trewitax Zürich AGmember of the board of directors--25 feb 201502 abr 2015
OT Holding AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors--17 abr 201830 ene 2019
Art Gallery AGmember of the board of directors--23 feb 199501 may 1996
BW Holding AGmember of the board of directors--04 jul 2023-
Bienna Holding AGmember of the board of directors--03 feb 201716 nov 2017
ikO Unternehmensberatung GmbHmanager--21 feb 2022-
Brünnlipark AGPräsident des Verwaltungsrates--26 abr 2017-
Juris Services AGpresident of the board of directors--24 ago 201522 feb 2016
Airport Taxi Zürich Kloten AGmember of the board of directors--18 jul 201915 dic 2020
BW Generalbau AGmember of the board of directors--04 jul 2023-
fireo invest 01 GmbHVorsitzender der Geschäftsführung--15 ago 2023-
Gehörlosen-Fürsorgeverein der Region BaselMitglied des Vorstandes--22 ene 2021-
Bank Julius Bär & Co. AGDirektor--29 oct 200818 mar 2010
H-Resource GmbH in LiquidationZeichnungsberechtigter--04 mar 201103 jul 2017
BKPE GmbHGesellschafter Geschäftsführer--21 dic 2006-
BKPE GmbHShareholder20000 CHF100%--
Ichta Holding AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates--31 oct 200226 may 2004