
Senn Georg


Empresas relacionadas

Nombre de la empresaFunción en la empresaNombrado elDimitió el
Lifa AGPräsident des Verwaltungsrates09 ago 1984-
SWD AGpresident of the board of directors28 jul 199309 sep 2003
SWD AGpresident of the board of directors09 sep 200330 jun 2014
SWD AGmember of the board of directors30 jun 2014-
IBD Immobilien AGvicepresident of the board of directors04 abr 2016-
Baugenossenschaft des Kaufmännischen Verbandes Zürichpresident of the administration05 nov 199128 oct 1997
PGD AGpresident of the board of directors07 may 2019-
Georg Senn Maschinenbau GmbH in Liquidationpartner and manager30 jun 199715 mar 2017
FED GmbH in Liquidationpartner and manager16 ago 201218 jul 2018
Fasler Transporte AGmember of the board of directors05 nov 2021-
Kaufmännischer Verband Zürich1. VP20 jul 199017 jul 1992
Kaufmännischer Verband Zürichpresident of the committee17 jul 199204 jul 1997
Moto Senn AGmember of the board of directors20 sep 199127 jul 2012
MTA MechaTronic AGpresident of the board of directors25 mar 2003-
Kaufmännischer Verband Schweizvicepresident of the committee08 nov 199608 may 1998
Georg Senn Maschinenbau GmbH in Liquidationpartner and manager+liquidator15 mar 2017-
imperia systems agmember of the board of directors16 jun 2020-
LCD Laser Cut AGvicepresident of the board of directors06 jun 199524 oct 2001
Bonanza Velos AGmember of the board of directors10 dic 198413 jun 2001
LCD Laser Cut AGpresident of the board of directors24 oct 200122 ago 2007
LCD Laser Cut AGmember of the board of directors22 ago 2007-