
Seiler Dr. Matthias


Empresas relacionadas

Nombre de la empresaFunción en la empresaNombrado elDimitió el
Riva Investment AGmember of the board of directors29 oct 200923 feb 2016
Trikita Entertainment AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors06 oct 201128 nov 2011
Trikita Entertainment AG in Liquidationpresident of the board of directors28 nov 201104 jun 2021
Riva Investment AGmember of the board of directors25 may 200929 oct 2009
Riva Investment AGmember of the board of directors23 feb 2016-
XTC Holding AGpresident21 jun 201924 sep 2019
Condominium Property AGmember of the board of directors16 dic 2019-
Swiss Trust Consultants Associationmember of the committee23 jul 2007-
The Mansion Ltdmember of the board of directors16 dic 2019-
ANR Aktiengesellschaft für natürliche Ressourcennutzung AGmember of the board of directors16 dic 2019-
FIRECREST CAPITAL CORPORATION AGpresident of the board of directors05 dic 201711 jun 2020
FIRECREST CAPITAL CORPORATION AGmember of the board of directors11 jun 2020-
Lodron Trading AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates23 dic 2019-