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Sužinokite visą informaciją apie مباهج الحصن المميزة

Paskutinį kartą atnaujinta: vas 13, 2024

مباهج الحصن المميزة


nėra likviduojama. svetainėje 2024 m. vasario 13 d.

Individual Firm / Merchant

Omanas 13 bir 2021 (prieš 3 metus)

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Pavadinimasمباهج الحصن المميزة
  • ActiveActive
Įmonės numerisCode1389513
Įsteigimo data13 bir 2021 (prieš 3 metus) / 81 įmonės su ta pačia data
Pasirašytas akcinis kapitalas25,000.000
Teisinė formaIndividual Firm / Merchant
Veiklos rūšis
  • Antrinis:
  • #433005 - Installation of gypsum (décor stone)
  • #410001 - Construction of buildings (general constructions of residential and non-residential buildings)
  • #422002 - Construction of water, electricity amd telephone networks and stations
  • #433004 - Floor and wall covering with tiles, parquet, marble, ceramic or mosaic
  • #432101 - Electrical Installations Work.
  • #432205 - Duct work installation (other than gas)
  • #432903 - Installation and Maintenance of Thermal, Sound or Vibration
  • #433003 - Plastering, painting and decorating
  • #432202 - Installation and maintenance of heating systems and air-conditioning equipment and ducts

Kontaktinė informacija

Teisinis adresasNorth Al Batinah Governorate / Sohar / Sohar, Postal Code 311
El. paštas
  • khl********************
  • 963*****


Gaukite išsamią informaciją apie įmonę - registruokitės dabar.

Prisijunkite prie daugiau nei 50 000 įmonių, jau naudojančių B2BHint.


Informacija apie mokesčius

Finansinių metų pabaigos data12 June


NumerisTipasIšleidimo data
L1559092422002, -, Construction, of, water,, electricity, amd, telephone, networks, and, stations14 rgs 2021
L1555677410001, -, Construction, of, buildings, (general, constructions, of, residential, and, non-residential, buildings), 432101, -, Electrical, Installations, Work., 432202, -, Installation, and, maintenance, of, heating, systems, and, air-conditioning, equipment, and, ducts, 432205, -, Duct, work, installation, (other, than, gas), 432903, -, Installation, and, Maintenance, of, Thermal,, Sound, or, Vibration, 433003, -, Plastering,, painting, and, decorating, 433004, -, Floor, and, wall, covering, with, tiles,, parquet,, marble,, ceramic, or, mosaic, 433005, -, Installation, of, gypsum, (décor, stone)14 rgs 2021
L1555677410001, -, Construction, of, buildings, (general, constructions, of, residential, and, non-residential, buildings), 432101, -, Electrical, Installations, Work., 432202, -, Installation, and, maintenance, of, heating, systems, and, air-conditioning, equipment, and, ducts, 432205, -, Duct, work, installation, (other, than, gas), 432903, -, Installation, and, Maintenance, of, Thermal,, Sound, or, Vibration, 433003, -, Plastering,, painting, and, decorating, 433004, -, Floor, and, Wall, Covering, with, Tiles,, Parquet,, Marble,, Ceramic,, Mosaic, or, Cladding, 433005, -, Installation, of, gypsum, (décor, stone)14 rgs 2021

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Kur yra مباهج الحصن المميزة būstinė?

مباهج الحصن المميزة būstinė yra adresu North Al Batinah Governorate / Sohar / Sohar, Postal Code 311

Kokia yra مباهج الحصن المميزة pramonės šaka?

مباهج الحصن المميزة veikia Installation of gypsum (décor stone) pramonės šakoje

Kuriais metais buvo pradėta مباهج الحصن المميزة veikla?

مباهج الحصن المميزة buvo įkurta 2021