
Oü Baltcap Private Equity Management Iii


Susijusios įmonės

Įmonės pavadinimasVaidmuo įmonėjePaskirta
BaltCap Private Equity Fund III usaldusfondThe registrar of the units of the fund17 rgs 2019
BaltCap Private Equity Fund III usaldusfondThe Management Company17 rgs 2019
BPEF III Feeder Fund usaldusfondThe registrar of the units of the fund23 lap 2020
BPEF III Feeder Fund usaldusfondGeneralinis partneris23 lap 2020
BPEF III Supplementary Investment Facility usaldusfondThe registrar of the units of the fund24 sau 2020
BaltCap Private Equity Fund III usaldusfondGeneralinis partneris17 rgs 2019
BPEF III Feeder Fund usaldusfondThe Management Company23 lap 2020