
Schmid Pascal


Susijusios įmonės

Įmonės pavadinimasVaidmuo įmonėjePaskirtaAtsistatydino
Dynamic Network GmbHpartner17 geg 202303 vas 2003
Binance (Switzerland) AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates12 lie 201815 bir 2021
Binary Builders AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates31 geg 202212 grd 2022
Azenes AGProkurist03 sau 2023-
Flame Technologies AGmember of the board of directors11 grd 201827 geg 2021
Schmid Haustechnik AGsecretary11 lie 200116 grd 2015
Schmid Haustechnik AGpresident16 grd 2015-
Schmid Metzgerei Biberen AGmember of the board of directors12 bir 2018-
Sigma Chain AGmember of the board of directors24 sau 201909 lie 2021
Netrics Basel AG, Münchensteinpresident of the board of directors27 lap 2020-
Stiftung Decentralized Insurancemember of the Foundation Board06 rgp 201817 bir 2021
TEAL AI AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors05 lie 201827 geg 2021
UTA Immobilien AGmember of the board of directors04 sau 2019-
Vacasa Europe AGmember of the board of directors08 geg 201922 bir 2021
DIFF Schweiz AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors09 sau 201916 spa 2019
Interprom Mining AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors28 rgs 201813 vas 2020
Orgnet Immobilien AG29 rgp 201314 bal 2015
Orgnet Immobilien AG14 bal 201529 sau 2016
Paland Immobilien AG27 rgp 201327 sau 2016
Partisia Blockchain Stiftungmember of the Foundation Board07 spa 202001 bir 2021
PATO Holding AGpresident of the board of directors17 lap 2017-
PDX AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors12 bir 201903 vas 2021
Peco-Tours AG01 bir 2015-
Patientory Stiftung in Liquidationmember of the Foundation Board01 geg 201801 bir 2018
PSC Consulting GmbHpartner and manager28 rgs 2017-
RightMesh AG in Liquidationdirector17 geg 201825 rgs 2020
Riversand Technologies Europe AGmember of the board of directors09 geg 201827 geg 2021
Roraima Ventures SA en liquidationmember of the board of directors25 lap 202017 bir 2021
Schmid Immo AG Gümmenenmember of the board of directors15 spa 2021-
Muri Partner Rechtsanwälte AGmember of the board of directors17 rgs 2021-
Onee Hospitality Partners AGmember of the board of directors07 vas 201918 bal 2019
Onee Hospitality Partners AGliquidator18 bal 201925 spa 2019
Onee Hospitality Partners AGmember of the board of directors25 spa 201921 rgp 2020
PEG Stiftung in Liquidationmember of the Foundation Board29 bal 201907 lap 2019
Sterbekasse Verband Kantonspolizei Thurgaumember of the Foundation Board10 kov 202016 kov 2020
Sterbekasse Verband Kantonspolizei Thurgaupresident of the committee of founding16 kov 2020-
SWISS BÄR NET HOLDING AGmember of the board of directors04 geg 201827 geg 2021
REX Technologies GmbH in Liquidationmanager06 rgp 201805 bir 2020
Tal Getränke GmbHpartner and president of the management05 lap 2018-
TSDH GmbHpartner and manager18 lap 2021-
Cominellinvest Holding AGmanager26 lap 2020-
ICON Stiftungmember of the Foundation Board02 kov 201817 bir 2021
Blackhorse International AG in Liquidationpresident of the board of directors19 grd 201705 vas 2018
CRYPTO VALLEY PARTNERS AGpresident of the board of directors delegate of the board of directors01 kov 201812 vas 2019
Cardano AGmember of the board of directors05 lie 201830 lie 2019
Beam AGmember of the board of directors27 kov 202013 lie 2021
Dr. Weigert (Schweiz) AGmember of the board of directors06 lie 201816 lie 2020
Urban Agency Events AGmember of the board of directors24 sau 2018-
Piraten Restaurant GmbHmanager08 bal 2020-
Urban Agency GmbHpartner and manager19 rgs 200527 sau 2009
Urban Agency GmbHpartner and manager27 sau 200931 spa 2011
Urban Agency GmbHpartner and manager31 spa 201112 vas 2019
Urban Agency GmbHmanager12 vas 2019-
Golem Stiftungmember of the Foundation Board11 bir 2019-
Verein Forstrevier Katzensee in Liquidationmember of the committee+clerk25 bal 2019-
Bittrex Global (Switzerland) AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors15 bal 202001 rgs 2020
NorthC Schweiz AG24 kov 2021-
Watr Stiftungmember of the Foundation Board05 geg 202131 geg 2021
Circuit-Parts GmbH in LiquidationGesellschafter und Geschäftsführer--
Wings Stiftungmember of the Foundation Board24 bal 2018-
HSZH Verwaltungs AG in Liquidationvice-director24 lie 201315 sau 2014
Golem Factory GmbHmanager01 geg 201825 bir 2021
Zafin Labs AG, Berlin, Zweigniederlassung Zugbranch office manager13 lie 201807 bir 2021
CSM Finance AG in Liquidationliquidator03 bir 2019-
IOV Stiftungmember of the Foundation Board09 lap 202020 geg 2021
Gebrüder Zuber AGmember20 kov 2018-
DOMX Stiftungmember of the Foundation Board09 geg 2018-
Aleph Zero Stiftungmember of the Foundation Board26 spa 2018-
Footcoin AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors12 vas 202017 lap 2020
Footcoin AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors liquidator17 lap 202015 rgs 2021
HydroSpa GmbHpartner and manager01 grd 200007 spa 2009
IKB Holding AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors16 geg 201903 vas 2021
inlo agmember of the board of directors17 lie 2020-
Konsumgenossenschaft Ausserbergmember of the administration27 spa 202026 sau 2023
Lebensmittel Kerzers GmbHGeschäftsführer04 lap 2020-
SFOUR Consulting AGmember of the board of directors06 bal 201830 bir 2020
Medical Pharma Services, s.r.o., Prag, Zweigniederlassung Zughaving right to sign18 vas 201918 geg 2021
meinThurgau AGmember of the board of directors06 lie 2021-
METAVERSE Stiftung in Liquidationmember of the Foundation Board27 bir 201809 bal 2019
Netrics Biel AG23 geg 200211 bal 2003
Netrics Biel AGmember11 bal 200312 geg 2004
Netrics Biel AGdirector12 geg 200422 kov 2006
Netrics Biel AGmember22 kov 200614 vas 2012
Netrics Biel AGmember14 vas 201224 bir 2020
Netrics Biel AG24 bir 202030 grd 2020
Netrics Biel AGpresident of the board of directors30 grd 2020-
Netrics Holding AGhaving right to sign31 kov 2021-
Netrics Zürich AG, Opfikonpresident of the board of directors19 lap 2020-
Sielva Management SAmember of the board of directors27 kov 201806 lie 2021
SIFR AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors22 rgp 201808 lie 2019
CVChain GmbHGeschäftsführer--
CSM Investment AG in Liquidationliquidator04 vas 2019-
Autospritzwerk & Carrosserie Schmid AGmanager15 sau 201807 geg 2019
Gebrüder Zuber AGmember07 lie 201420 kov 2018