
Lippuner Christian


Susijusios įmonės

Įmonės pavadinimasVaidmuo įmonėjePaskirtaAtsistatydino
Advokaturbüro LippunerInhaber26 rgs 2006-
Säntis Energie AGmember of the board of directors28 sau 2021-
Personalvorsorgeeinrichtung der Lippuner Gruppevicepresident of the committee of founding23 lap 199908 bir 2004
Innovatis Treuhand AGpartner and president of the management20 grd 201228 bal 2015
Innovatis Treuhand AGpresident of the board of directors28 bal 2015-
SEVENTA AGmember of the board of directors18 bir 2021-
Schloms lmmobilien Verwaltungs AGmember of the board of directors12 grd 2018-
Glasvetia AGmember of the board of directors29 geg 2007-
Einwohnerverein Grabserbergpresident of the committee05 bal 201926 lap 2019
Coin Consulting AGmember of the board of directors15 lie 2011-
Erich Elkuch Immobilien AGmember of the board of directors20 lap 2012-
Innovatis Interim AGmember of the board of directors14 bir 200112 kov 2008
Innovatis Immobilien AG in Liquidationpresident of the board of directors22 rgs 201411 lie 2017
Innovatis Immobilien AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors11 lie 2017-
Lukashaus Sinn Stiftungmember of the Foundation Board09 grd 2020-
Montfort Audit & Advisory AGmember of the board of directors31 grd 2019-
Personalvorsorgeeinrichtung der Lukashaus Stiftungmember of the Foundation Board27 rgp 2019-
ARBUX Immobilien AGmember of the board of directors08 bal 2011-
Innovatis Interim AGmember of the board of directors12 kov 2008-
Einwohnerverein Grabserbergmember of the committee+cashier26 lap 2019-
B369 GmbH in Liquidationdirector + liquidator21 grd 2022-
B369 GmbH in Liquidationdirector22 bal 202021 grd 2022
Konzett AGmember of the board of directors02 bal 2015-
Lukashaus StiftungMitglied des Stiftungsrates + Kassier21 geg 2019-
Blum Schweiz GmbHGeschäftsführer20 grd 2016-
Lippuner Christian AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates30 rgs 2014-
Coin Invest Trust AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates17 vas 201212 sau 2022