
Zgraggen Anne


Susijusios įmonės

Įmonės pavadinimasVaidmuo įmonėjePaskirtaAtsistatydino
CROWN International Holdings AGmember of the board of directors09 vas 201814 vas 2018
CROWN International Holdings AGmember of the board of directors14 vas 201806 grd 2022
CROWN International Holdings AGmember of the board of directors06 grd 2022-
EBSA International Holdings AGmember of the board of directors14 vas 201806 grd 2022
CZD INVESTITION AGmember of the board of directors15 spa 201913 grd 2022
CZD INVESTITION AGpresident of the board of directors13 grd 2022-
EBSA International Holdings AGmember of the board of directors06 grd 2022-