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Uzziniet visu informāciju par MILKTRANS, a.s.
iegūstot pilnu piekļuvi

Pēdējo reizi atjaunināts: jūn 22, 2024



nav likvidācijas procesā vietnē 2024. gada 22. jūn

Akciju sabiedrība

Čehija 22 dec 1997 (pirms 27 gadiem)

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NosaukumsMILKTRANS, a.s.
  • ActiveAktīvais
Uzņēmuma numursCode25171194
Dibināšanas datums22 dec 1997 (pirms 27 gadiem) / 549 uzņēmumi ar to pašu datumu
Juridiskā formaAkciju sabiedrība
Darbības veids
  • Primārais:
  • #4941 - Kravu pārvadājumi pa autoceļiem
  • Sekundārais:
  • #4520 - Automobiļu apkope un remonts
  • #6820 - Sava vai nomāta nekustamā īpašuma izīrēšana un pārvaldīšana
  • #5320 - Citas pasta un kurjeru darbības
  • #4730 - Degvielas mazumtirdzniecība degvielas uzpildes stacijās


Juridiskā adreseKrajní 680, Jesenice, Jesenice, 25242, Czechia
  • +42*************
  • sek*********************




Václav Junek

Direktoru valdes loceklis

Iecelts amatā22 dec 1997

Atkāpās no amata17 feb 1999



Josef Kounovský

Direktoru valdes loceklis

Iecelts amatā17 feb 1999

Atkāpās no amata27 mar 2000

Iegūstiet pilnīgu informāciju par uzņēmumu - reģistrējieties tagad.

Pievienojieties vairāk nekā 50 000 uzņēmumu, kas jau izmanto B2BHint.


Informācija par nodokļiem

Darbinieki nē.100 - 199


TipsIzdošanas datums
Road transport - haulage operated by means of motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight above 3.5 tonnes, where intended for animal and goods transport, - passenger transport operated by means of vehicles designed for carrying more than 9 persons including the driver, - haulage operated by means of motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, where intended for animal and goods transport, - passenger transport operated by means of vehicles designed for carrying not more than 9 persons including the driver17 feb 1999
Repair of road vehicles03 jūl 2000
Manufacture, trade and services not specified in Annexes 1 to 3 to the Trade Licensing Act10 feb 1999

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Pilnīga piekļuve datiem


NumursTipsIzdošanas datums
1005981531Manufacture, trade and services not specified in Annexes 1 to 3 to the Trade Licensing Act10 feb 1999
1005981558Road transport - haulage operated by means of motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight above 5 tonnes, where intended for animal and goods transport, - passenger transport operated by means of vehicles designed for carrying more than 9 persons including the driver, - haulage operated by means of motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 5 tonnes, where intended for animal and goods transport, - passenger transport operated by means of vehicles designed for carrying not more than 9 persons including the driver01 okt 1999
1005981566Road transport - haulage operated by means of motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight above 5 tonnes, where intended for animal and goods transport, - passenger transport operated by means of vehicles designed for carrying more than 9 persons including the driver, - haulage operated by means of motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 5 tonnes, where intended for animal and goods transport, - passenger transport operated by means of vehicles designed for carrying not more than 9 persons including the driver01 apr 2000

Uzziniet visu informāciju par uzņēmumu

Pilnīga piekļuve datiem


výroční zpráva -r.2003Skatīt
výroční zpráva +Účet.uzávěrky-r.2002Skatīt
ostatní Zápis z VH 28.6.2007Skatīt

Uzziniet visu informāciju par uzņēmumu

Pilnīga piekļuve datiem

Biežāk uzdotie jautājumi

Kur atrodas MILKTRANS, a.s. galvenā mītne?

MILKTRANS, a.s. galvenā mītne atrodas Krajní 680, Jesenice, Jesenice, 25242, Czechia

Kāda ir MILKTRANS, a.s. nozare?

MILKTRANS, a.s. darbojas Kravu pārvadājumi pa autoceļiem nozarē

Cik darbinieku ir MILKTRANS, a.s.?

MILKTRANS, a.s. ir 100 - 199 darbinieki

Kurā gadā tika dibināts MILKTRANS, a.s.?

MILKTRANS, a.s. tika dibināts 1997

Avoti: Administrativní registr ekonomických subjektů