
Müller Christian


Saistītie uzņēmumi

Uzņēmuma nosaukumsLoma uzņēmumāIecelts amatāAtkāpās no amata
SolOpTec Holding AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates30 aug 202201 dec 2022
SolOpTec Holding AGPräsident des Verwaltungsrates01 dec 202220 feb 2023
SolOpTec Holding AGPräsident des Verwaltungsrates20 feb 2023-
logisplus AGVizepräsident07 nov 200606 jan 2020
fritz haller bauen und forschen gmbh in Liquidationpartner and manager20 aug 201802 jūn 2023
fritz haller bauen und forschen gmbh in Liquidationpartner and manager + liquidator02 jūn 2023-
Hans Läuchli AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates27 jan 2021-
FONDATION PAXmembre du conseil de fondation07 aug 2020-
Kraftwerk Sanetsch AG (KWS)president of the board of directors01 jūn 2021-
Christian Müller AGpresident of the board of directors22 jūl 199722 feb 2006
Cominvestment AGMitglied21 dec 199520 sep 2018
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG30 okt 201411 okt 2017
mesch web consulting & design GmbHpartner and manager22 feb 201115 jan 2015
mesch web consulting & design GmbHpartner and manager15 jan 201503 jūl 2017
mesch web consulting & design GmbHpartner and manager03 jūl 201726 jūn 2019
mesch web consulting & design GmbHpartner and manager26 jūn 2019-
Saturn Garage AGpartner30 jūn 199713 jūn 2016
Saturn Garage AGpresident of the board of directors13 jūn 2016-
Schaeppi Grundstücke AG01 apr 201003 jan 2011
Schaeppi Grundstücke AGvice-director03 jan 201130 apr 2014
SCHWEIZER-NOVA AGmanager31 okt 2016-
ScreenMedia GmbHpartner and manager18 nov 200226 jūl 2021
ScreenMedia GmbHpartner and manager26 jūl 2021-
SiKo Monitoring AGmanager14 mai 2021-
Sila-TECH AG, Surseemanager14 mai 2021-
M&R Investment Partners KLGpartner20 mai 2020-
Müller AG, Sanitär und Spenglereipresident of the board of directors04 jūn 2010-
M. WohnInvest AGvicepresident15 nov 199501 jūl 2015
Sportanlage Erlen AGpresident of the board of directors21 jūl 2014-
SRS Swiss Recycling Services SA, Zweigniederlassung Schönenwerdbranch office manager04 jūn 200705 mar 2009
Stiftung Friedbrunnen & Holderbachmember of the Foundation Board16 jan 199621 mai 2004
Stiftung für kardiovaskuläre Forschung Baselmember of the Foundation Board29 nov 2019-
Stiftung Mercator Schweizmember of the Foundation Board20 jūn 2016-
Bilisi Ltd.member of the board of directors09 feb 1993-
Fidarux S.A.president of the board of directors03 feb 2020-
Traumpony GmbHpartner and manager16 mar 200411 jūl 2008
Traumpony GmbHpartner and president of the management11 jūl 200814 mai 2019
umgedacht GmbH in Liquidationpartner and manager22 apr 201423 aug 2018
Immobiliare Fratelli Müller SAMitglied des Verwaltungsrates01 okt 1987-
Vermögensverwaltung Haus zum Weggen AGmember of the board of directors20 dec 2018-
Kinderkrippe s'Nuscheli GmbHpartner and manager26 jūn 200823 okt 2018
Kinderkrippe s'Nuscheli GmbHmanager23 okt 201802 dec 2019
Zürcher Kantonalbank17 sep 201917 dec 2020
Motcom Communication AGpresident of the board of directors13 dec 201011 jūl 2011
Motcom Communication AGmember of the board of directors11 jūl 201121 aug 2013
Müko Gartengestaltung AGpresident of the board of directors25 jūn 2013-
Stiftung Räberstöcklimember of the Foundation Board15 feb 2022-
Olympia Capital Management AG30 aug 201028 feb 2011
Optico AG11 dec 200819 mai 2020
OZONOS Schweiz GmbHpartner and president of the management23 apr 2018-
Pensionskasse der Nolato Treff AGmember of the Foundation Board03 jan 2020-
Pink Tree Communications AGmember of the board of directors07 aug 201701 jūl 2019
Powerplay Music & Studiosmember and secretary of the committee19 sep 201326 jūl 2016
Prestige Wohnbau Widnau AGdelegate of the board of directors21 dec 201507 nov 2017
PROTEC-TOR KLGpartner10 jūl 2019-
Pyrateam Treuhand AG09 mai 201211 sep 2012
Rebhügel Immobilien AGmember of the board of directors06 dec 2018-
Rheintal Trust AG19 dec 201428 dec 2015
Rheintal Trust AGmanager28 dec 2015-
Rossi Dach AG17 jūn 2020-
Royalgold AGdirector22 sep 198909 aug 1993
PL Sports Consulting GmbHmanager partner26 nov 2012-
steinmuro AGpresident of the board of directors07 apr 201522 dec 2021
steinmuro AGpresident of the board of directors22 dec 2021-
Strenia Consulting GmbHpartner and manager28 okt 2014-
Strenia Investment AGpresident of the board of directors18 mar 2021-
TBA Trimmiser Baustoffe AGmember04 mai 2020-
Cominvestment AGMitglied20 sep 2018-
Traumpony GmbHpartner and manager14 mai 2019-
Trecon Treuhand AG18 mai 201215 aug 2013
Carrosserie Vitali + Müller AGmember of the board of directors04 jan 201722 jan 2019
Dr.Meyer Treuhand AGdirector23 dec 199613 apr 1999
TRI Dental Implants Int. AGmember of the board of directors10 dec 2018-
Turnach AGmember of the board of directors13 dec 2018-
BERNINVEST AGmanager03 okt 199610 jūn 1999
Two-M-Fashion GmbHpartner and president of the management29 feb 2012-
Fondation Herzogmember of the Foundation Board22 sep 201705 okt 2017
architektur chm gmbhpartner and manager15 sep 2015-
Verein Jugendprojektepresident of the committee04 apr 201117 jan 2018
Verein Jugendprojektemember of the committee17 jan 2018-
Verein Silberbruggmember of the committee28 aug 2019-
Verein Bifang Wohn- und Pflegezentrum Wohlenmember of the committee04 aug 2017-
Christian Müllerowner15 jan 1988-
Vistri AGmember of the board of directors25 mai 2020-
Vorsorgestiftung Schoop + Co AGmember of the Foundation Board22 aug 2002-
Charles Michel AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors16 apr 199816 apr 1998
Waaggenossenschaft Staffelbachpresident of the administration21 apr 199828 jan 2002
Genossenschaft ortoloco - Die Hofkooperative im Fondlimember of the administration26 mai 2010-
Weidenareal Metall SA en liquidation concordatairemember of the board of directors19 aug 199822 jan 2001
Weidenareal Metall SA en liquidation concordatairedirecteur et secrétaire (hors- conseil)22 jan 200115 jūn 2001