
Ruggle Peter


Saistītie uzņēmumi

Uzņēmuma nosaukumsLoma uzņēmumāApmaksātais pamatkapitālsĪpašumtiesībasIecelts amatāAtkāpās no amata
Finoris AGPräsident des Verwaltungsrates--08 apr 202004 aug 2023
Finoris AGPräsident des Verwaltungsrates--16 mar 201008 apr 2020
Finoris AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates--04 aug 2023-
Stiftung Arina Kownermember of the Foundation Board--19 feb 2014-
OFG Telecom GmbHmanager--19 jūn 2014-
SPS Swiss Project Solutions AGmember of the board of directors--20 okt 198306 feb 2020
UNIPEK AGmember of the board of directors--15 jan 2009-
Finoris Management AGmember of the board of directors--02 feb 201208 apr 2020
Wattohm AG in Liquidationliquidator--08 dec 2017-
Axiom Switzerland AGmember of the board of directors--04 okt 2021-
IVRA Solution GmbHpartner and manager+liquidator--19 okt 201814 apr 2020
Artemis Control AGmember of the board of directors+secretary--13 sep 200518 dec 2007
SPS Swiss Project Solutions AGmember of the board of directors--06 feb 2020-
SwissFina AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors--02 feb 200706 feb 2017
SwissFina AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors+liquidator--06 feb 201720 jūl 2017
IVRA Solution GmbHpartner and manager--25 sep 201819 okt 2018
BRECO-Holding AGpresident of the board of directors--21 mar 201807 okt 2020
Finoris Management AGmember of the board of directors--08 apr 202014 dec 2022
Lusaka Hotel Holdings AGmember of the board of directors--22 feb 202113 jan 2022
BRECO-Holding AGpresident of the board of directors--07 okt 202014 apr 2022
L Trade GmbHGesellschafter und Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung--17 feb 2020-
L Trade GmbHShareholder1000 CHF5%--
L Trade GmbHGesellschafter und Geschäftsführer--11 nov 200817 apr 2012
L Trade GmbHGesellschafter und Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung--17 apr 201217 feb 2020