
Näf Ralf


Saistītie uzņēmumi

Uzņēmuma nosaukumsLoma uzņēmumāIecelts amatāAtkāpās no amata
ahead AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates10 mai 2023-
Storskogen Schweiz Management AGmember of the board of directors28 jūl 201608 dec 2016
Storskogen Schweiz Management AGmember of the board of directors08 dec 201607 jūl 2021
Accenture Services AGpresident16 dec 200305 feb 2008
Albula Netz AGmanager05 jūn 201909 jūl 2021
Accenture Services AGpresident of the board of directors14 mar 200312 dec 2007
Accenture Services AGpresident of the board of directors12 dec 200715 jūl 2011
Aquila AGMitglied des Verwaltungsrates14 jūl 2022-
Alpstock AGPräsident des Verwaltungsrates13 jūn 2022-