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Ontdek alle informatie over سعيد بن محمد بن عامر بن محمد الحجري للتجارة
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Laatst bijgewerkt: feb 02, 2024

سعيد بن محمد بن عامر بن محمد الحجري للتجارة


niet in vereffening is op 2 feb 2024

Individual Firm / Merchant

Oman 22 mei 2011 (13 jaar geleden)

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Naamسعيد بن محمد بن عامر بن محمد الحجري للتجارة
  • ActiveActive
Oprichtingsdatum22 mei 2011 (13 jaar geleden) / 115 bedrijven met dezelfde datum
Geplaatst aandelenkapitaal10,000.000
Juridische vormIndividual Firm / Merchant
Soort activiteit
  • Secundair:
  • #474201 - Retail sale in specialized stores of household appliances (radio, television etc.)
  • #471104 - Coldstores
  • #472110 - Retail sale in specialized stores of poultry (slaughtered)
  • #471103 - Groceries
  • #472101 - Retail sale in specialized stores of fresh fruit, vegetables and dates
  • #461003 - Activities of export and import offices
  • #106101 - Grain milling and packing (wheat, corn, barley etc.)
  • #478901 - Retail sale of livestocks, sheep, camels and live poultry (excluding shops that include the process of slaughtering or meat preparation)
  • #469003 - Wholesale Trade of Gifts
  • #466303 - Wholesale of sanitary equipment, sanitary installation equipment and water tanks
  • #475903 - Retail sale in specialized stores of household appliances (refrigirators, kitchen equipment etc.)
  • #471105 - Commissary
  • #141006 - Tailoring of arabic and non-arab women's clothes
  • #472103 - Retail sale in specialized stores of meat and meat proucts
  • #422003 - Water well drilling

Contact gegevens

Wettelijk adresNorth Al Sharqiya Governorate / Bidiya / Al Mintarib, Postal Code 421

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Fiscale informatie

Einddatum boekjaar31 December


L554122478901, -, Retail, Sale, of, Livestocks,, Sheep, and, Camels27 dec 2016
L554122478901, -, Retail, sale, of, livestocks,, sheep,, camels, and, live, poultry, (excluding, shops, that, include, the, process, of, slaughtering, or, meat, preparation)27 dec 2016

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Vaak gestelde vragen

Waar is het hoofdkantoor van سعيد بن محمد بن عامر بن محمد الحجري للتجارة?

سعيد بن محمد بن عامر بن محمد الحجري للتجارة's hoofdkantoor is gevestigd op North Al Sharqiya Governorate / Bidiya / Al Mintarib, Postal Code 421

Wat is سعيد بن محمد بن عامر بن محمد الحجري للتجارة's industrie?

سعيد بن محمد بن عامر بن محمد الحجري للتجارة zit in de branche van Retail sale in specialized stores of household appliances (radio, television etc.)

In welk jaar werd سعيد بن محمد بن عامر بن محمد الحجري للتجارة gestart?

سعيد بن محمد بن عامر بن محمد الحجري للتجارة werd opgericht in 2011