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Laatst bijgewerkt: jan 30, 2024

Shada Alain Constructions


niet in vereffening is op 30 jan 2024

Individual Firm / Merchant

Oman 28 feb 2007 (17 jaar geleden)

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NaamShada Alain Constructions
Alternatieve namen
  • شدى العين للانشاءات
  • ActiveActive
Oprichtingsdatum28 feb 2007 (17 jaar geleden) / 60 bedrijven met dezelfde datum
Geplaatst aandelenkapitaal250,000.000
Juridische vormIndividual Firm / Merchant
Soort activiteit
  • Secundair:
  • #432205 - Duct work installation (other than gas)
  • #439001 - Construction of foundations and structures, concrete work, brick laying, scaffolding, roof covering etc.
  • #433005 - Installation of gypsum (décor stone)
  • #439002 - Main renovations and additions
  • #410001 - Construction of buildings (general constructions of residential and non-residential buildings)
  • #433004 - Floor and wall covering with tiles, parquet, marble, ceramic or mosaic
  • #432101 - Electrical Installations Work.
  • #422002 - Construction of water, electricity amd telephone networks and stations
  • #432903 - Installation and Maintenance of Thermal, Sound or Vibration
  • #433003 - Plastering, painting and decorating

Contact gegevens

Wettelijk adresMuscat Governorate / Muttrah / Ruwi, Postal Code 311, P.O. Box 350
  • 960*****


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Fiscale informatie

Einddatum boekjaar31 December


L1413187410001, -, Construction, of, buildings, (general, constructions, of, residential, and, non-residential, buildings), 432101, -, Electrical, Installations, Work., 432205, -, Duct, work, installation, (other, than, gas), 432903, -, Installation, and, Maintenance, of, Thermal,, Sound, or, Vibration, 433004, -, Floor, and, wall, covering, with, tiles,, parquet,, marble,, ceramic, or, mosaic, 433005, -, Installation, of, gypsum, (décor, stone), 439001, -, Construction, of, foundations, and, structures,, concrete, work,, brick, laying,, scaffolding,, roof, covering, etc.28 feb 2022
L1413187410001, -, Construction, of, buildings, (general, constructions, of, residential, and, non-residential, buildings), 432101, -, Electrical, Installations, Work., 432205, -, Duct, work, installation, (other, than, gas), 432903, -, Installation, and, Maintenance, of, Thermal,, Sound, or, Vibration, 433004, -, Floor, and, wall, covering, with, tiles,, parquet,, marble,, ceramic, or, mosaic, 433005, -, Installation, of, gypsum, (décor, stone), 439001, -, Construction, of, foundations, and, structures,, concrete, work,, brick, laying,, scaffolding,, roof, covering, etc.13 jun 2023
L1413187410001, -, Construction, of, buildings, (general, constructions, of, residential, and, non-residential, buildings)28 feb 2022

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Vaak gestelde vragen

Waar is het hoofdkantoor van Shada Alain Constructions?

Shada Alain Constructions's hoofdkantoor is gevestigd op Muscat Governorate / Muttrah / Ruwi, Postal Code 311, P.O. Box 350

Wat is Shada Alain Constructions's industrie?

Shada Alain Constructions zit in de branche van Duct work installation (other than gas)

In welk jaar werd Shada Alain Constructions gestart?

Shada Alain Constructions werd opgericht in 2007