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Find out more about how much Chambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce
earned last year and more by getting full access

Last updated: Jun 07, 2024

Chambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce


is not in process of liquidation on Jun 7, 2024

Non-profit organisation

Belgium 07 Jun 1967 (57 years ago)

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NameChambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce
Brand NameChambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce
  • ActiveNormal condition from 07 Jun 1967
Enterprise numberCode0410.313.463
Establishment number2.157.543.185
Incorporation Date07 Jun 1967 (57 years ago) / 8 companies with the same date
Legal formNon-profit organisation
Type of activity

Contact details

Legal addressMignot Delstanchestraat 60, 1050 Elsene




Jijakli Nabil


Appointed on19 Nov 2019



Beerlandt Johan


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Tax information

Annual assemblymei
End date financial year31 december
Employees no.5 tot 9 werknemers
  • Pays VATYes
  • Registration date01 Sep 2010

Financial reports

YearTurnoverNet profitTotal assetsOther
2018673,427.29 EUR
19,580.7 EUR
1,096,539.38 EUR
View full report
2017707,537.5 EUR
116,186.4 EUR
1,120,225.44 EUR
View full report
2016685,466.19 EUR
135,157.55 EUR
1,110,077.74 EUR
View full report

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Frequently asked questions

Where is Chambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce's headquarters?

Chambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce's headquarters is located at Mignot Delstanchestraat 60, 1050 Elsene

What is Chambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce's industry?

Chambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce is in the industry of Activities of business and employers membership organisations

How many employees does Chambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce have?

Chambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce has 5 tot 9 werknemers employees

What year was Chambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce started?

Chambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce was started in 1967

How much does Chambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce generate in sales?

Chambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce's sales is $794,740

How much profit does Chambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce make?

Chambre de Commerce Belgique Luxembourg Pays arabes - Kamer van Koophandel België Luxemburg Arabische Landen - Arab Belgo Lux. chamber of commerce's profit is $23,108

Sources: FOD Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie