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Risk Factors

ArrowActivities? / 2

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Unreliable VAT payer?

Specialized Organizations

ArrowFinancial Organizations? / 3

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Last updated: Apr 22, 2022

Paul MATOUSEK - PH Enterprises


is not in process of liquidation on Apr 22, 2022

Czech Republic 16 Jun 1994 (30 years ago)

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NamePaul MATOUSEK - PH Enterprises
  • ActiveActive
JurisdictionActiveCzech Republic
Company numberCode60171375
Incorporation Date16 Jun 1994 (30 years ago) / 511 companies with the same date

Contact details

Legal addressU Roháčových kasáren 24, Praha 10, 10000, Czechia

Frequently asked questions

Where is Paul MATOUSEK - PH Enterprises's headquarters?

Paul MATOUSEK - PH Enterprises's headquarters is located at U Roháčových kasáren 24, Praha 10, 10000, Czechia

What is Paul MATOUSEK - PH Enterprises's industry?

Paul MATOUSEK - PH Enterprises is in the industry of koupě zboží za účelem jeho dalšího prodeje a prodej s výjimkou zboží,které je uvedeno v příl. 2 - 3 zák.č. 455/91 Sb. a tímto zák.vyloučeného

What year was Paul MATOUSEK - PH Enterprises started?

Paul MATOUSEK - PH Enterprises was started in 1994

Sources: Administrativní registr ekonomických subjektů