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Last updated: Jun 08, 2024

T H - S Y S T E M spol. s r.o.


is not in process of liquidation on Jun 8, 2024

Limited liability company

Czech Republic 19 Dec 1995 (28 years ago)

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NameT H - S Y S T E M spol. s r.o.
  • ActiveActive
JurisdictionActiveCzech Republic
Company numberCode64574059
Incorporation Date19 Dec 1995 (28 years ago) / 493 companies with the same date
Legal formLimited liability company
Type of activity

Contact details

Legal addressPřátelství 987/11, Praha 10, Uhříněves, Praha, Hlavní město Praha, 10400, Czechia



IndividualCzech Republic

David Talpa

Managing Director

Appointed on19 Sep 2013


IndividualCzech Republic

David Talpa

Managing Director

Appointed on19 Dec 1995

Resigned on19 Sep 2013

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Tax information

Employees no.25 - 49


TypeIssue date
Construction of structures, changes thereto, and demolition thereof19 Dec 1995
Manufacture, trade and services not specified in Annexes 1 to 3 to the Trade Licensing Act19 Dec 1995
Provádění staveb, jejich změn a odstraňování19 Dec 1995

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NumberTypeIssue date
1008159221Manufacture, trade and services not specified in Annexes 1 to 3 to the Trade Licensing Act13 May 1998
1011910373Manufacture, trade and services not specified in Annexes 1 to 3 to the Trade Licensing Act01 Nov 2017

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Frequently asked questions

Where is T H - S Y S T E M spol. s r.o.'s headquarters?

T H - S Y S T E M spol. s r.o.'s headquarters is located at Přátelství 987/11, Praha 10, Uhříněves, Praha, Hlavní město Praha, 10400, Czechia

What is T H - S Y S T E M spol. s r.o.'s industry?

T H - S Y S T E M spol. s r.o. is in the industry of Construction of residential and non-residential buildings

How many employees does T H - S Y S T E M spol. s r.o. have?

T H - S Y S T E M spol. s r.o. has 25 - 49 employees

What year was T H - S Y S T E M spol. s r.o. started?

T H - S Y S T E M spol. s r.o. was started in 1995

Sources: Administrativní registr ekonomických subjektů