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Find out all the information about Øster Assels og Blidstrup sognes menighedsråd
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Last updated: Nov 19, 2022

Øster Assels og Blidstrup sognes menighedsråd


is not in process of liquidation on Nov 19, 2022

Church institutions

Denmark 01 Jan 2013 (11 years ago)

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NameØster Assels og Blidstrup sognes menighedsråd
  • ActiveActive
Fiscal code (CVR)Code34686688
Incorporation Date01 Jan 2013 (11 years ago) / 3471 companies with the same date
Legal formChurch institutions
Type of activity

Contact details

Legal addressC/O Kirsten Tørsleff Sanders, Asselsvej 169, 7990 Øster Assels
  • bop*******
  • 212*****

Tax information

Employees no.2


NameAddressIncorporation DateRegistration number
Øster Assels Kirkec/o Øster Assels - Blidstrup menighedsråd Kirkestræde 5, 7990 Øster Assels07 Oct 20171022907820
Øster Assels og Blidstrup sognes menighedsrådc/o Kirsten Tørsleff Sanders Asselsvej 169, 7990 Øster Assels01 Jan 20131018253352
Blidstrup Kirkec/o Øster Assels - Blidstrup menighedsråd Åbakken 4, 7990 Øster Assels07 Oct 20171022907855

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Frequently asked questions

Where is Øster Assels og Blidstrup sognes menighedsråd's headquarters?

Øster Assels og Blidstrup sognes menighedsråd's headquarters is located at C/O Kirsten Tørsleff Sanders, Asselsvej 169, 7990 Øster Assels

What is Øster Assels og Blidstrup sognes menighedsråd's industry?

Øster Assels og Blidstrup sognes menighedsråd is in the industry of Activities of religious organisations

How many employees does Øster Assels og Blidstrup sognes menighedsråd have?

Øster Assels og Blidstrup sognes menighedsråd has 2 employees

What year was Øster Assels og Blidstrup sognes menighedsråd started?

Øster Assels og Blidstrup sognes menighedsråd was started in 2013

Sources: CVR - det Centrale Virksomhedsregister