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Last updated: Nov 17, 2022

RPMK - Telecom Consultants Denmark, filial af RPMK - Telecom Consultants Limited


is inactive

Branch of foreign limited liability company

Denmark 31 Aug 2020 (4 years ago)

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NameRPMK - Telecom Consultants Denmark, filial af RPMK - Telecom Consultants Limited
  • ActiveDeleted
Fiscal code (CVR)Code41631775
Incorporation Date31 Aug 2020 (4 years ago) / 319 companies with the same date
Date dissolved24 Mar 2021 (3 years ago)
Legal formBranch of foreign limited liability company
Type of activity
  • Primary:
  • #6202 - Computer consultancy activities
  • Description:
  • Filialens formål er konsulentvirksomhed, herunder udleje af IT medarbejdere og anden dermed beslægtet virksomhed

Contact details

Legal addressC/O Jose Antunes, Peter Holms Vej 6, 3. tv, 2450 København SV


NameAddressIncorporation DateDate dissolved
RPMK - Telecom Consultants Denmark, filial af RPMK - Telecom Consultants Limited2450 København SV, C/O Jose Antunes Peter Holms Vej 6, 3. tv31 Aug 202024 Mar 2021

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Frequently asked questions

Where is RPMK - Telecom Consultants Denmark, filial af RPMK - Telecom Consultants Limited's headquarters?

RPMK - Telecom Consultants Denmark, filial af RPMK - Telecom Consultants Limited's headquarters is located at C/O Jose Antunes, Peter Holms Vej 6, 3. tv, 2450 København SV

What is RPMK - Telecom Consultants Denmark, filial af RPMK - Telecom Consultants Limited's industry?

RPMK - Telecom Consultants Denmark, filial af RPMK - Telecom Consultants Limited is in the industry of Computer consultancy activities

What year was RPMK - Telecom Consultants Denmark, filial af RPMK - Telecom Consultants Limited started?

RPMK - Telecom Consultants Denmark, filial af RPMK - Telecom Consultants Limited was started in 2020

Sources: CVR - det Centrale Virksomhedsregister