
Зеленський Сергій Володимирович


Country of residenceУкраїна

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Company nameRole in the companyOwnership
ТОВ "СПЕЦАГРОКОМ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "СТЕЛС М"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "АЛТАБІ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "СКАЙЛАЙН"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ФІРМА СОЛТ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "РІКОНТ СВ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "АВІЛОН ГРУПП"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ОПТІМОЛ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "СІГМАН"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ПАКТРОН"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "БРІЗБЕН"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ТРЕНД ЕНЕРДЖІ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ ВКФ "САН"-ЛТДChief executive officer-
ТОВ "БІГБУД"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "МАГРО ТРЕЙД"Chief executive officer-
КІННЕНСЬКА С/РChief executive officer-
ЦАРЕДАРВСЬКА С/РChief executive officer-
НОВОІВАНІВСЬКА С/РChief executive officer-
ТОВ "АКТІВ ГРАНД"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "БАРЕНТС"Chief executive officer-
ЧЕРНІГІВСЬКА С/РChief executive officer-
ШАТІВСЬКА С/РChief executive officer-
ТОВ "АЙСІКС"Chief executive officer-
КАТЕРИНІВСЬКА С/РChief executive officer-
МИКОЛАЇВСЬКА С/РChief executive officer-
ТОВ "СКБ "ВІСАТ"Chief executive officer-
ПЕРЕМОЗЬКА С/РChief executive officer-
АРТІЛЬНА С/РChief executive officer-
ЄЛИЗАВЕТІВСЬКА С/РChief executive officer-
ТИХОПІЛЬСЬКА С/РChief executive officer-
САДІВСЬКА С/РChief executive officer-
ЯКОВЛІВСЬКА С/РChief executive officer-
ТОВ "МЯСОТОРГ ПЛЮС"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ПРОЕКТЕКС"Chief executive officer-
ОВК ТВО № 160Chief executive officer-
НАДЕЖДІВСЬКА С/РChief executive officer-
МІСЬКВИКОНКОМChief executive officer-
ОРІЛЬСЬКА С/РChief executive officer-
ПЛИСІВСЬКА С/РChief executive officer-
ТОВ "ЯНТАР-2006"Beneficiary33.4%
ТОВ "АУДИТ-2003"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "РБ БАЛАНС"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ"ЗОДІАК-УКРАЇНА"Chief executive officer-