
Кириченко Сергій Олександрович


Country of residenceУкраїна

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Company nameRole in the companyOwnership
ФГ "ЄВА-ПЛЮС"Chief executive officer-
ФГ "ЄВА-ПЛЮС"Representative-
ФГ "СТИМУЛ - ПЛЮС"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "КСДО"Beneficiary33.33%
ФГ "ЮГ"Founder-
ФГ "ЯТАГАН"Chief executive officer-
ПП "ФІШБОР"Chief executive officer-
ПП "ФІШБОР"Representative-
ТОВ "АЙТІ РОКС"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "КРОХА"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "КРОХА"Representative-
ОК "ДІАМАНТ-РЕГІОН"Chief executive officer-
ФГ "КИРИЧЕНКО М"Chief executive officer-
ПП "ЦРК"Chief executive officer-
ХМПО "НК"Chief executive officer-
ХМПО "НК"Representative-
ТОВ "ТРК "ВІК"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ОСКОЛ АКВА"Chief executive officer-
БМРТ "МИСЛИВЕЦЬ"Chief executive officer-
ФГ "КИРИЧЕНКО С"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "АКГ"Chief executive officer-
ФГ "ЮГ"Chief executive officer-
ФГ "ЮГ"Representative-
ПП ПАФ "ЗЛАГОДА "Chief executive officer-