
Бондаренко Андрій Володимирович


Country of residenceУкраїна

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Company nameRole in the companyOwnership
ТОВ "ЛЕО-ІНВЕСТ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ДЖАММ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "КАДЕНА"Beneficiary100%
ТОВ "КАДЕНА"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "КАДЕНА"Representative-
СФГ " ІСТОК"Chief executive officer-
СФГ " ІСТОК"Representative-
ТОВ "ДОБРОВІТ"Chief executive officer-
"ІФАФ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ДЕВЕРСІТІ ГРУП"Chief executive officer-
ПП "ЛІОН"Chief executive officer-
ПП "ЕГІНА ПЛЮС"Chief executive officer-
ПП "ЕГІНА"Chief executive officer-
ПП "ЕГІНА"Representative-
ТОВ "ВТД-УКРАЇНА"Chief executive officer-
ПТ "РОСТКРЕДИТ"Chief executive officer-
ГО "РУХ "ПВБК"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ"АЛЬФА-СОЮЗ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "КЛФ УКРАЇНА"Chief executive officer-