
Романюк Михайло Андрійович


Country of residenceУкраїна

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Company nameRole in the company
ПП "АРКАДА"Chief executive officer
ПП "АРКАДА"Representative
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ТОВ "ІТАКА-2014"Chief executive officer
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ТОВ "АС-ТЕХНО"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "КОРСАР-ЕНЕРГО"Chief executive officer
ТОВ"НОРВУД-МОД"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ФОРТ УОРТ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ОРИНДЖБЕРГ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ДОРЕЛ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "НФК ПЛЮС"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ВІТО ПРАЙМ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "КУБЕРТЕН ПЛЮС"Chief executive officer