
Буцька Поліна Олександрівна


Country of residenceУкраїна

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Company nameRole in the company
ТОВ "НАША ВОЛЯ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ТРАВЕРС ПРИНТ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "РК УКРАЇНА"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ВЕГА 2000"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ЄВРОВАНТАЖ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "КРІМ ТІМ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ДПК УКРАЇНА"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ПРОММІКС"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "КАС МЕДІА"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ХОД-ІДЕА"Chief executive officer
ПП "КОНСАЛТ-ЮГ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "РЯСНА ДОЛИНА"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "БУКНОВА"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "АГРУС"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "РВК АКЦЕНТ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ТДК-ДНІПРО"Chief executive officer
ПП "ПАСИФИК С"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "КАРЕС-К"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ФОРТАЛ-ІНВЕСТ"Chief executive officer
ПП ТД АРСЕНАЛChief executive officer
ПП "ІНТЕНТ-СЕРВІС"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "КФ "СТАНДАРТ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ТЕЛЕШОП"Chief executive officer
ТОВ НВП "РЕМА"Chief executive officer