
Ладюков Валентин Ігорович


Country of residenceУкраїна

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Company nameRole in the companyOwnership
ТОВ "КСФ 01"Beneficiary50%
ТОВ "КСФ 01"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "УСФ13"Beneficiary50%
ТОВ "УСФ13"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "КСФ №28"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ТРОЄЩИНА 02"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "НОВЕ МІСЦЕ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "КСФ №46"Beneficiary100%
ТОВ "ТЕХНОЦЕНТР 3"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "КСФ №007"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ТЕХНОЦЕНТР 5"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ТРОЄЩИНА 01"Chief executive officer-
МПП "ЄВІРА"Beneficiary50%
МПП "ЄВІРА"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ВІЛЕДЖ ПІПЛ"Chief executive officer-
ПАТ "ВТОРЕС"Chief executive officer-
ПАТ "ВТОРЕС"Representative-