
Федотов Ілля Володимирович


Country of residenceУкраїна

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ОСББ "ЛОТОС"Representative
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ОСББ "НАТХНЕННЯ"Chief executive officer
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ОСББ "№ 72"Representative
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ОСББ "ЛІДЕР 24 Н"Chief executive officer
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ОСББ "№ 76"Chief executive officer
ОСББ "№ 76"Representative
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ОСББ "ЛІДЕР 59"Chief executive officer
ОСББ "ЛІРА-1"Chief executive officer
ОСББ "ЛІРА-1"Representative
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ОСББ "КАЛИНА"Chief executive officer
ОСББ "СМЕРЕКА-Н"Chief executive officer
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ОСББ "ХВИЛЯ"Chief executive officer
ОСББ "ХВИЛЯ"Representative
ГО "МИР"Chief executive officer
ГО "МИР"Representative