
Сюел Неждет Арслан


Country of residenceТуреччина

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Company nameRole in the company
ТОВ "ВБК "ПОЛІССЯ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ"АЛТА УКР"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "МЕНРЕЙЛ ПРО"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "РІНОВЕЙЛ ПЛЮС"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ЛІВТРЕЙД"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "АГРО СИНТЕЗ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "АЛЬТА ПРО"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ТЕПЛОСФЕРА Р"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ТАНІТА ХАУС"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ЕКОМАРТ ТРЕЙД"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ВЕСКОРТ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "1-Й ЕЗСПГР"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ФІТ ПРО СТАР"Chief executive officer
ПП "СОЛАРА"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ФРУТ-АЛЬЯНС"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "БЕСТДИЗАЙН"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ЕМПОЛІ ГРАНД"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "РІК 2018"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "СІТІ М ГРУП"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ЄВРОСКАН"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "АДІСОН"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ЕВРОТОРГ."Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ОЛІВЕР ТРАНС"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ГУЛСУ СЕРВІС"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ДИЗЕЛЬ-БЕСТ"Chief executive officer
БО "БФ"ЄДИНА- НАЦІЯ"Chief executive officer