
Нагірний Андрій Юрійович


Country of residenceУкраїна

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Company nameRole in the company
ТОВ "АНКОРІДЖ ПЛЮС"Chief executive officer
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ТОВ "КОРІНФ ТРЕЙД"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ПОТСДАМ ТРЕЙД"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ВЕКТОР АВТО"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "МАРКЛОД ПЛАСТ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ПОЛОР МЕДІУМ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ЛАСКАР ГРУП"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "АЛЬЯНС КРАФТ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ЧЕРІ-ТММ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ЦЕНТРУМ ГРАД"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ЛАСКАР ПОІНТ"Chief executive officer
ТОВ "ФРАЙТЕНД"Chief executive officer