
Хоменко Володимир Андрійович


Country of residenceУкраїна

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Company nameRole in the companyOwnership
ТОВ "БМР"Beneficiary100%
ТОВ "БМР"Chief executive officer-
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ЖБК "БАРСЬКИЙ 8"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "АГРОНОМІЧНЕ 2"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "БАРСЬКИЙ 7"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "АГРОНОМІЧНЕ 1"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ " СТОЯНКИ Р.В.Г."Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "БАРСЬКИЙ 11"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ВКН"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "ЯБЛУКО"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "ЯБЛУКО"Representative-
ЖБК "ВІЛЬНЕ 2"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "НОВА ХВИЛЯ"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "ПІДКОВА"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "МОЯ МРІЯ"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "ТВІЙ ПРОСТІР"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "АГРО ЦЕНТР 2"Chief executive officer-
ГО "ФЄВ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "БП"Beneficiary100%
ТОВ "БП"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "ДОБРОТНИЙ"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "МІЙ ДІМ"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "МІЙ ДІМ"Representative-
ЖБК "ВЕСЕЛКА"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "СІМ'Я"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "АГРОБУДСЕРВІС"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "МІЙ ДІМ 2"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "АБЦ"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "АБЦ"Representative-
ЖБК "ВІЛЬНЕ"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "ВІЛЬНЕ"Representative-
ЖБК "АГРО 2020"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "АГРО 2020"Representative-
ЖБК "АГРО ЦЕНТР 3"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "ЗАХІДНА ЗОРЯ"Chief executive officer-
ЖБК "ВЕРШИНА"Chief executive officer-
ПП "ІНОПТТОРГ-2"Chief executive officer-