
Фабрикатов Олександр Анатолійович


Country of residenceУкраїна

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Company nameRole in the company
ОСББ "СВОБОДИ 37А"Chief executive officer
ОСББ "НОВЕ ЖИТТЯ-154"Chief executive officer
ОСББ "МОРСЬКИЙ 24"Chief executive officer
ОСББ "КУЇНДЖІ 49" Chief executive officer
ОСББ "Троїцька 30А"Chief executive officer
ГО "МССББ"Chief executive officer
ГО "МССББ"Representative
ГО "МФБ"Chief executive officer
ГО "МФБ"Representative
ОСББ "РАКЕТА-18"Chief executive officer
ОСББ "МЕОТИДА 12"Chief executive officer
ОСББ "ПЕРЕМОЖЕЦЬ"Chief executive officer
ОСББ "МОРСЬКИЙ 22"Chief executive officer
ОСББ "МЕНДЕЛЄЄВА 32"Chief executive officer
ОСББ "ПЕРЕМОГИ - 18/5"Chief executive officer
ОСББ "ГУГЕЛЯ 12"Chief executive officer
ОСББ "Троїцька 32А" Chief executive officer