
Венцислав Колев Първанов


Country of residenceБЪЛГАРИЯ

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Company nameRole in the companyPaid-up share capitalOwnership
РИЯДАСSole owner of the capital-100%
ГЕРАНА 2008Chief executive officer--
РИЯДАСChief executive officer--
АНДЖИ ТРАВЪЛChief executive officer--
ДОБИChief executive officer--
СИМ - АГРОSole owner of the capital-100%
ЕВРОБИЛДChief executive officer--
ФАВОРИТ - НChief executive officer--
ТРОЯ 2007Sole owner of the capital-100%
ТРОЯ 2007Chief executive officer--
И НОВАЛИСShareholder4540 BGN89.900990099%
ВОЛФChief executive officer--
ТЪРГОВСКА БАЗАSole owner of the capital-100%
РОМИДАChief executive officer--
ФЕНИКС 2007Chief executive officer--
БРИГАНТИНА ПАРКChief executive officer--
ХАРД МЕТЪЛС 59Sole owner of the capital-100%
ФАВОРИТSole owner of the capital-100%
БИЛДИНГ СИТИ 62Sole owner of the capital-100%
ХАРД МЕТЪЛС 59Chief executive officer--
ЛИНД ЕНЕРДЖИChief executive officer--
СИМ - АГРОChief executive officer--
ЗЛАТЕН ОРЕЛChief executive officer--
БРИГАНТИНА ПАРКSole owner of the capital-100%
НЕПТУН 11Chief executive officer--
ДЕ-ЯНАSole owner of the capital-100%
РИКSole owner of the capital-100%
ПРИМАРТSole owner of the capital-100%
РТИ - СИСТЕМИChief executive officer--
ТРК-АУТОSole owner of the capital-100%
ЗЛАТЕН ОРЕЛSole owner of the capital-100%
БИЛДИНГ СИТИ 62Chief executive officer--
ГЕРАНА 2008Sole owner of the capital-100%
СИЗИФ ГРУПChief executive officer--
ДЕ-ЯНАChief executive officer--
ФЕНИКС 2007Sole owner of the capital-100%
ТЪРГОВСКА БАЗАChief executive officer--
ВОЛФSole owner of the capital-100%
РОМИДАSole owner of the capital-100%
И НОВАЛИСChief executive officer--
Евро Строй - 70Sole owner of the capital-100%
РИКChief executive officer--
ИНВЕСТ ГРУПSole owner of the capital-100%
Евро Строй - 70Chief executive officer--
НЕПТУН 11Sole owner of the capital-100%
ГЪЛИВЕРChief executive officer--
ПАК ПРОДУКТChief executive officer--
ФАВОРИТ - НSole owner of the capital-100%
АДМИРАЛ ГРУП-IIChief executive officer--
ГЪЛИВЕРSole owner of the capital-100%
ФАВОРИТChief executive officer--
ЕВРОБИЛДSole owner of the capital-100%
АДМИРАЛ ГРУП-IISole owner of the capital-100%
ДОБИSole owner of the capital-100%
ТРК-АУТОChief executive officer--
ИНВЕСТ ГРУПChief executive officer--
ЛИНД ЕНЕРДЖИSole owner of the capital-100%
ПРИМАРТChief executive officer--
РТИ - СИСТЕМИSole owner of the capital-100%
СИЗИФ ГРУПShareholder2600 BGN52%
ПАК ПРОДУКТSole owner of the capital-100%
ПАК ПРОДУКТManager of the branch--