
Трайчо Димитров Борисов


Country of residenceБЪЛГАРИЯ

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Company nameRole in the companyPaid-up share capitalOwnership
МОТОРАМАChief executive officer--
ЕНРЕМChief executive officer--
ТКВ 2Chief executive officer--
БАРБЕЛЛОChief executive officer--
ЕКО ТИМ 9Chief executive officer--
СОФТРИКСSole owner of the capital-100%
КРЕДИТ КОЛЕКТОSole owner of the capital-100%
ФРАНЧАЙЗ 2012Sole owner of the capital-100%
ФИНАНС КЪМПАНИChief executive officer--
АРОЗИЯChief executive officer--
АРОЗИЯSole owner of the capital-100%
УЛТРА ИМПЕКСChief executive officer--
ЕВРО БЕЛТChief executive officer--
БРИКСТРОЙChief executive officer--
АПЕХ 96Chief executive officer--
КРЕДИТ КОЛЕКТОChief executive officer--
ДОЛСИГРУПChief executive officer--
ДЕВЕЛЪПChief executive officer--
БУЧИSole owner of the capital-100%
ШОКОЛАДChief executive officer--
ЛАБИРИНТ - 88Chief executive officer--
ЗЕВС СЕКЮРИТИSole owner of the capital-100%
ЮЛИПSole owner of the capital-100%
АПЕХ 96Sole owner of the capital-100%
ПЛАНА ЕКО ФИШChief executive officer--
АЙ СИ ЕНChief executive officer--
ВИПЕТChief executive officer--
АПЕХ 8Chief executive officer--
ДЕВЕЛЪПSole owner of the capital-100%
ЗЕВС СЕКЮРИТИChief executive officer--
ШОКОЛАДSole owner of the capital-100%
ПАНТУТИ ФУУДChief executive officer--
ТОП ЛИЗИНГChief executive officer--
ТЕРАНО- 21Chief executive officer--
ФЕШЪН ВИРУСChief executive officer--
ЛИДЕР-2012Chief executive officer--
БИВА ГРУПChief executive officer--
БЕТ КУАТРОChief executive officer--
СЪНИ БЕЛ – 20016Sole owner of the capital-100%
ШОП СЪНChief executive officer--
СЪНИ БЕЛ – 20016Chief executive officer--
БАРОН ПОРТОКАЛChief executive officer--
НЕНОВ ИНЖЕНЕРИНГSole owner of the capital-100%
АПЕХ 6Chief executive officer--
ВИВА СОДChief executive officer--
Н ЕНД Н-64Chief executive officer--
Смарт таймChief executive officer--
ХОУМ МЕЙД ФУУДSole owner of the capital-100%
ТИАРА - 2011Chief executive officer--
ДАНИ БЕЙБЕ 08Chief executive officer--
ТОМБАКChief executive officer--
ЕСТИВАНSole owner of the capital-100%
ДЖИЕНЕН КЪМПАНИSole owner of the capital-100%
БУЛ ИПSole owner of the capital-100%
ТИАРА - 2011Sole owner of the capital-100%
КАРИТЕ БИЛДИНГSole owner of the capital-100%
ЕКСПРЕС-ТУРСSole owner of the capital-100%
ЕНРЕМSole owner of the capital-100%
ПРО ГРУП 06Sole owner of the capital-100%
ЕКО ТИМ 9Sole owner of the capital-100%
"КИВИ-45"Chief executive officer--
"КИВИ-45"Sole owner of the capital-100%
ЛАЙТ СОЛЮШЪНСChief executive officer--
Т.Б.Д.Sole owner of the capital-100%
ФРАНЧАЙЗ 2012Chief executive officer--
ЕКОЕН - 3Sole owner of the capital-100%
ФИНАНС КЪМПАНИSole owner of the capital-100%
ЕКСПРЕС-ТУРСChief executive officer--
ХАДЖИЕВА 1Chief executive officer--
ХАДЖИЕВА 1Sole owner of the capital-100%
ХС - НИКАShareholder2600 BGN52%
МенонSole owner of the capital-100%
ДЕЙВИ-Д ГРУПChief executive officer--
МОБИПАРКChief executive officer--
ДЖИЕНЕМ КЪМПАНИChief executive officer--
ДЖИЕНЕМ КЪМПАНИSole owner of the capital-100%
ТРАНС БИЛДИНГSole owner of the capital-100%
ЗАЛОЖНА КЪЩА - КАЛИГУЛА 1Sole owner of the capital-100%
ТОП ЛИЗИНГSole owner of the capital-100%
ТБОЛФChief executive officer--
ПЕТРОВ 2009Chief executive officer--
ЛАБИРИНТ - 88Sole owner of the capital-100%
КОМПЮТЪР ОФИСSole owner of the capital-100%
Ню Лайн ТрейдингSole owner of the capital-100%
ФЕШЪН ВИРУСSole owner of the capital-100%
ВИЕС - ПРОSole owner of the capital-100%
Технотранс групChief executive officer--
ТОП КЕШChief executive officer--
ПИКОЛА ИТАЛИЯChief executive officer--
ДиалектиChief executive officer--
АЛЕКСИС МТChief executive officer--
УЛТРА ИМПЕКСSole owner of the capital-100%
КАС 2002Chief executive officer--
Ей Ти 2011Chief executive officer--
СИИТЪН ИНВЕСТChief executive officer--
АЛПАНАChief executive officer--
ЕЛИА - 2009Sole owner of the capital-100%
ЕЛИА-97Chief executive officer--