
Иван Николов Георгиев


Country of residenceБЪЛГАРИЯ

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Company nameRole in the companyPaid-up share capitalOwnership
АРЕА ФОРТЕSole owner of the capital-100%
РИГЕЛ-92Chief executive officer--
ПРОТРЕЙД ЕКСПОChief executive officer--
ПРОТРЕИДChief executive officer--
КОИНС ТРЕЙДChief executive officer--
И-ДЖИ СТРОЙSole owner of the capital-100%
РИГАЛ 53Chief executive officer--
ВАН-ЗАМ-АГРОChief executive officer--
БИ АЙ ЕМ ФЕМИЛИChief executive officer--
ГРАДИНАТА - ЛА ПЛАЙЯChief executive officer--
БИОМИНShareholder1000 BGN20%
Р.Р. - 94Shareholder2450 BGN49%
ДЕЙТАМПЛАНТShareholder2500 BGN50%
Р.Р. - 94Chief executive officer--
ПРОТРЕЙД ЕКСПОShareholder14900 BGN99.3333333333%
ПРОТРЕЙД КОChief executive officer--
БИ АЙ ЕМ ФЕМИЛИShareholder10 BGN50%
ДЕЙТАМПЛАНТChief executive officer--
КЛИМА СТАНДАРТSole owner of the capital-100%
И – ДЖИ ТРЕЙДИНГChief executive officer--
ДЪРТИ МЪНКИСShareholder600 BGN33.3333333333%
ВАН-ЗАМ-АГРОSole owner of the capital-100%
И – ДЖИ ТРЕЙДИНГSole owner of the capital-100%
РИГЕЛ 84Chief executive officer--
И-ДЖИ СТРОЙChief executive officer--
ПРОТРЕЙД КОSole owner of the capital-100%
РИМЕКС 08Shareholder2500 BGN50%
БИОМИНChief executive officer--
ГЛАМХОТChief executive officer--
ГЛАМХОТSole owner of the capital-100%
ПРОТРЕИДShareholder4950 BGN99%
ВАНЕСА 012Sole owner of the capital-100%
ЕЛИВ 19Chief executive officer--
АРЕА ФОРТЕChief executive officer--
ЕЛИВ 19Shareholder1 BGN50%
КЛИМА СТАНДАРТChief executive officer--
ВАНЕСА 012Chief executive officer--
РИМЕКС 08Chief executive officer--
КОНС ФЕШЪН БЪЛГАРИЯChief executive officer--
ГРАДИНАТА - ЛА ПЛАЙЯSole owner of the capital-100%
ДАРИ - ПЕChief executive officer--