
Тодор Петров Тодоров


Country of residenceБЪЛГАРИЯ

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Company nameRole in the companyPaid-up share capitalOwnership
ГРЕЙП ВЕЛИChief executive officer--
БУМЕР - МChief executive officer--
ТЕНДЪР СЕНДChief executive officer--
ТОПЛИКА СОЛАРChief executive officer--
ТОДОРОВ.01Chief executive officer--
ТОДОРОВ.01Sole owner of the capital-100%
БЪРЗА СВЕТОВНА ТЪРГОВИЯSole owner of the capital-100%
МОДЕВАShareholder18420 BGN62.4406779661%
БИ ЕМ ПИShareholder1600 BGN32%
ГТ ПЕТРОЛSole owner of the capital-100%
АКСИОН СОЛЮШЪНСSole owner of the capital-100%
АГРОТРАНСSole owner of the capital-100%
ВИДА НОВАShareholder600 BGN12%
ПРИЗА ТОДОРОВSole owner of the capital-100%
ПРИЗА ТОДОРОВChief executive officer--
АЛЕКС 0612Chief executive officer--
АКСИОН СОЛЮШЪНСChief executive officer--
МИЛТЕКС-2004Chief executive officer--
МИЛТЕКС-2004Shareholder1500 BGN30%
"ФЛАЙ -90"Chief executive officer--
БУМЕР - МSole owner of the capital-100%
ЛАВИШSole owner of the capital-100%
ТИМЕКСShareholder2500 BGN50%
ФУУД ДРАЙВChief executive officer--
ГРЕЙП ВЕЛИSole owner of the capital-100%
ЕМ МЕСSole owner of the capital-100%
АЛЕКС 0612Sole owner of the capital-100%
"БИЛДЕС 2012"Shareholder50 BGN50%
ФУУД ДРАЙВShareholder1250 BGN25%
БИЙЧ ПОЙНТChief executive officer--
СТРОЙ ПАРТНЪРСShareholder1250 BGN25%
ТРАКИНАShareholder3000 BGN60%
ТЕНДЪР СЕНДShareholder500 BGN50%
ПАРТИ СПЕЙСChief executive officer--
СИРТОНChief executive officer--
СТАРТЪП МОНСТЪРСSole owner of the capital-100%
Никълъс-19Sole owner of the capital-100%
БИЙЧ ПОЙНТShareholder50 BGN5%
Никълъс-19Chief executive officer--
ТСМ - 3Shareholder2500 BGN50%
Едюкейшън КлубShareholder1 BGN0.5%
ХОРЕКА ПАРТС БГChief executive officer--
"ФЛАЙ -90"Sole owner of the capital-100%
ТЕРВЕЛ-2003Board Director--
САТРАПSole owner of the capital-100%
СМАРТ СЕЛЕКШЪНChief executive officer--
БЕСТ СЪРВИСChief executive officer--
ГТ ПЕТРОЛChief executive officer--
СИРТОНSole owner of the capital-100%
ТИМЕКСChief executive officer--
АГРОТРАНСChief executive officer--
ЛАВИШChief executive officer--
ХОРЕКА ПАРТС БГSole owner of the capital-100%
САМЪР ЕДИШЪНShareholder260 BGN26%
БЕСТ СЪРВИСShareholder200 BGN20%
НИКТ ДРИЛИНГShareholder1250 BGN25%
С Б МBoard Director--
МИЛТЕКС НЮ ГРУПShareholder41 625 BGN0.0221621622%
МОДЕВАChief executive officer--
СМАРТ СЕЛЕКШЪНShareholder500 BGN50%
ТОПЛИКА СОЛАРSole owner of the capital-100%
ЕМ МЕСChief executive officer--
САТРАПChief executive officer--
СТРОЙ ПАРТНЪРСChief executive officer--
ФУУД ПРОДЖЕКТ БИЙЧChief executive officer--