
Петър Илиев Петров


Country of residenceБЪЛГАРИЯ

Related companies

Company nameRole in the companyPaid-up share capitalOwnership
ПиП Глобал КъмпаниChief executive officer--
АКУРАТ КСChief executive officer--
ЕЛИТСТРОЙ-РУСЕChief executive officer--
ХИДРОПНЕВМОТЕХНИКА - 97Shareholder105 BGN0.8849557522%
ОНАСИС-17Chief executive officer--
БОЖЕНСКИ ЧИФЛИКChief executive officer--
КАТЯ ГРУП 11Chief executive officer--
ПОЙНТ ЕЛ-ИНЖЕНЕРИНГChief executive officer--
ФМФ групChief executive officer--
БОЖЕНСКИ ЧИФЛИКSole owner of the capital-100%
РУДИ 11Chief executive officer--
ИРИДА-САСChief executive officer--
ОНАСИС-17Sole owner of the capital-100%
ПИП - ИНЖЕНЕРИНГChief executive officer--
ПИП - ИНЖЕНЕРИНГSole owner of the capital-100%
ХАДЖИ ПЕТЪР-ВАРНАSole owner of the capital-100%
ПИЦА 3 в 1Chief executive officer--
БИЗНЕС ЛИНИЯ РChief executive officer--
ИНТЕР ТРЕЙД ГРУП БГSole owner of the capital-100%
ЛОГИСТИЧЕН ПАРК ПИРАМИДSole owner of the capital-100%
ХИДРОРЕСУРС ПРОЕКТSole owner of the capital-100%
СЛАВИ 13Sole owner of the capital-100%
АКУРАТ КСSole owner of the capital-100%
ОинкChief executive officer--
СЛАВИ 13Chief executive officer--
ПИ ЕНД ЕЛ СОЛЮШЪНСChief executive officer--
ХИДРОРЕСУРС ПРОЕКТChief executive officer--
ПОЙНТ ЕЛ-БЪЛГАРИЯSole owner of the capital-100%
П и П - 7Sole owner of the capital-100%
ПиП Глобал КъмпаниSole owner of the capital-100%
ПЕТЪР ИЛИЕВ 2009Sole owner of the capital-100%
ПЕТЪР ПЕТРОВ - 2019Chief executive officer--
БОН ИНВЕСТChief executive officer--
РЕСТ КИТЧЕНChief executive officer--
РИЛПЕТShareholder1000 BGN20%
КАТЯ ГРУП 11Sole owner of the capital-100%
РЕСТ КИТЧЕНShareholder10 BGN33.3333333333%
ГАЛЕРИ 2020Sole owner of the capital-100%
ВАНСТРОЙ-08Sole owner of the capital-100%
ЕЛИТСТРОЙ-РУСЕShareholder3500 BGN70%
ПЕТЪР ИЛИЕВ 2009Chief executive officer--
ЕДИНСТВО - 92Monitoring Board--
ГАЛЕРИ 2020Chief executive officer--
БАЛЕКСАChief executive officer--
ДЕКОНТChief executive officer--
ПОЙНТ ЕЛ-БЪЛГАРИЯChief executive officer--
ПИЦА 3 в 1Sole owner of the capital-100%
ХАДЖИ ПЕТЪР-ВАРНАChief executive officer--
ДВЕТЕ ДЖУДЖЕТАChief executive officer--
БРАДЪРС ГРУП 21Shareholder6 BGN60%
П и П - 7Chief executive officer--
БРАДЪРС ГРУП 21Chief executive officer--
БИЗНЕС ЛИНИЯ РSole owner of the capital-100%
ФМФ групSole owner of the capital-100%
ДЖИНИЪС БЕЙКЪРИ ФУУДСSole owner of the capital-100%
ВИЛИАНИ - 74Chief executive officer--
РУДИ 11Sole owner of the capital-100%
ИРИДА-САСSole owner of the capital-100%
ПОЙНТ ЕЛ-ИНЖЕНЕРИНГSole owner of the capital-100%
ДимоДрагChief executive officer--
ДимоДрагSole owner of the capital-100%
СТАНДАРТ СТАРА ПЛАНИНАSole owner of the capital-100%
ДЕКОНТShareholder1600 BGN32%
ИНТЕР ТРЕЙД ГРУП БГChief executive officer--
ПЕТЪР ПЕТРОВ - 2019Sole owner of the capital-100%
ОинкShareholder3100 BGN31%
ДВЕТЕ ДЖУДЖЕТАShareholder100 BGN50%
ВАНСТРОЙ-08Chief executive officer--
БАЛЕКСАShareholder100 BGN50%