
Мариян Методиев Марков


Country of residenceБЪЛГАРИЯ

Related companies

Company nameRole in the companyPaid-up share capitalOwnership
ГОРИ ГРУП БГSole owner of the capital-100%
РАМПАРТ МЕДИАChief executive officer--
ПИ ЕС СЪРВИСИЗChief executive officer--
ХАРИС ЕНД ДЖИChief executive officer--
ВЕСТА МЕНИДЖМЪНТChief executive officer--
АБВ БИЛДChief executive officer--
ДЕДАЛОСSole owner of the capital-100%
ТРИ БАРShareholder10 BGN25%
СИДСТРЕЙChief executive officer--
ГОАТ ПРИНТChief executive officer--
ГОАТ ПРИНТSole owner of the capital-100%
БУЛЛОЙЕРСChief executive officer--
АГРО ХОУМ КОМЕРСChief executive officer--
ХРЪТКИТЕChief executive officer--
ВАЛДАSole owner of the capital-100%
Д и Д СОЛЮШЪНСChief executive officer--
ХАРИС ЕНД ДЖИSole owner of the capital-100%
ПАУЪРБОКС ТРЕЙНИНГChief executive officer--
ХРИС-ТРЕЙД 2014Chief executive officer--
ИВМАР КОМЕРСChief executive officer--
МУЛТИПЕЙBoard Director--
ИВМАР ЕКСИМChief executive officer--
„ПРО КАР СЕРВИЗ“Chief executive officer--
ГОРИ ГРУП БГChief executive officer--
М.П. СТИЛ - ФУУДChief executive officer--
ПОСОКИ СН ТРЕЙДChief executive officer--
МАРИЯ-ХРИС-14Chief executive officer--
АБВ БИЛДSole owner of the capital-100%
СТО ЕКСИМChief executive officer--
МЕРИ-АН 2004Chief executive officer--
ПАУЪРБОКС ТРЕЙНИНГSole owner of the capital-100%
ДАВИД 13Chief executive officer--
ДЕДАЛОСChief executive officer--
КАТИ 66Sole owner of the capital-100%
СПОРТ ПРЕМИУМ 20/20Chief executive officer--
ИВМАР КОМЕРСSole owner of the capital-100%
СПОРТ ПРЕМИУМ 20/20Sole owner of the capital-100%
ТАНГРИС ТРЕЙДChief executive officer--
КАТИ 66Chief executive officer--
ОФИС СТАРС КОНСУЛТИНГSole owner of the capital-100%
ДОСТАВИ.БГSole owner of the capital-100%
ИНТРЕЙД 2014Chief executive officer--
ИТАЙЪРСChief executive officer--
ИТАЙЪРСSole owner of the capital-100%
ДАВИД 3113Chief executive officer--
НЕТЛАБСChief executive officer--
ХРЪТКИТЕSole owner of the capital-100%
ЧИЧО ПАНShareholder50 BGN50%
НЕВИ ЕКСИМChief executive officer--
„ПРО КАР СЕРВИЗ“Sole owner of the capital-100%
РАМПАРТ МЕДИАSole owner of the capital-100%
АРТ ЛОГИСТИКSole owner of the capital-100%
МИЛЕНИУМ- 2009Chief executive officer--
ДАВИД 13Shareholder500 BGN50%
АЛМАРТЕН 2020Chief executive officer--
ЧИЧО ПАНChief executive officer--
ПИ ЕС СЪРВИСИЗSole owner of the capital-100%
ДОСТАВИ.БГChief executive officer--
БАЛ МАКС КОМПАНИЯChief executive officer--
ЕЛИЗА 2015Chief executive officer--
МЕРИ-АН 2004Sole owner of the capital-100%
ТАНГРИС ТРЕЙДSole owner of the capital-100%
ФРЕСКО - А 64Chief executive officer--
ИВ АП 2017Sole owner of the capital-100%
ЛУКСТРЕЙД 2012Sole owner of the capital-100%
ЛУКСТРЕЙД 2012Chief executive officer--
НЕВИ ЕКСИМSole owner of the capital-100%
МИЛЕНИУМ- 2009Sole owner of the capital-100%
ИВ АП 2017Chief executive officer--
ДАВИД 3113Shareholder50 BGN50%
АЛМАРТЕН 2020Sole owner of the capital-100%
ДАНЕЛИЯ 85Chief executive officer--
БУЛЛОЙЕРС КОНСУЛТChief executive officer--
ЛС ГРУП 2013Chief executive officer--
СИДСТРЕЙSole owner of the capital-100%
ФРЕСКО - А 64Sole owner of the capital-100%
СОНИ ЛАЙТChief executive officer--
ХРИС-ТРЕЙД 2014Sole owner of the capital-100%
ИВМАР ЕКСИМSole owner of the capital-100%
ВАЛДАChief executive officer--
Холден ДСВ 2022Sole owner of the capital-100%
АРТ ЛОГИСТИКChief executive officer--
ВЕСТА МЕНИДЖМЪНТShareholder13900 BGN99.2857142857%