
Рудий Артур Володимирович


Country of residenceУкраїна

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Company nameRole in the companyOwnership
ТОВ "ПРОТЕЧ"Beneficiary100%
ТОВ "ПРОТЕЧ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ГЛОБАЛ-ФАРМ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ЄВРОКРОНА"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "СТРАНКОМ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "НІКІЛЬ-1"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "АВОНДЕЙЛ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ЛАДЕК"Beneficiary100%
ТОВ "ЛАДЕК"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ГЛАВІШ НЕС"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "АЛЬФА ПРОМІНЬ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ІНВЕСТМЕТ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "АЛАБУД"Beneficiary100%
ТОВ "АЛАБУД"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ"АСКАНІЯ РЕНТ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "УКР ЗЕМ"Beneficiary100%
ТОВ "УКР ЗЕМ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "НОРІН ГРУП"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "КЛАСІС ТУРС"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "НОРМАНД"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ВІЛСНЕТІ"Chief executive officer-
ФГ "ТОВРА"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "РАШТОН"Beneficiary100%
ТОВ "РАШТОН"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ОЛД ВОЛФ"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "СПА ФІНАНС"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ІСО ГРУП"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "МЕТІОС"Beneficiary100%
ТОВ "МЕТІОС"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ГЛОБАЛ А" Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "НЬЮ ВОЛД"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "ТК "ВЕСНА ЛТД"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "АІС-РЕГІОН"Chief executive officer-
ТОВ "СІТІ ТУР ТК"Chief executive officer-