
Rüegg Beatrice


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Company nameRole in the companyAppointed onResigned on
Schmiedegg-Apotheke AGmember of the board of directors01 Jun 2021-
RÜDRO AGmember of the board of directors16 Sep 2014-
Verein Kiosk Josefwiesemember of the committee29 Sep 201112 Jun 2015
APOBURG AGmember15 Oct 2021-
APODRO AGpartner15 Jun 199827 Oct 2005
APOSEE AGmember of the board of directors02 Sep 2008-
BONADEA AGmember of the board of directors04 Feb 2010-
MELISSA comp. AGmember of the board of directors06 Nov 2019-
MONARDAE HOLDING AGmember of the board of directors15 Aug 2008-
Verein Kiosk Josefwiesepresident of the committee12 Jun 201509 Aug 2018
APOWAL AGmember of the board of directors30 Jun 2006-
APODRO AGmember of the board of directors27 Oct 2005-