
Rohrer Dr. Beat


Related companies

Company nameRole in the companyAppointed onResigned on
Shopping Center Herblingertal AGmember of the board of directors29 Jan 2003-
stockag Immobilien-Treuhand AGmember of the board of directors15 May 2007-
Baugesellschaft Zimikerried AGmember of the board of directors20 Jul 201528 Feb 2020
Rohrer Müller Partner AGpresident of the board of directors07 Mar 2013-
Espros Holding AGmember of the board of directors28 Jun 2010-
IMMOBILIENPARTNER AGmember of the board of directors13 Dec 199614 Aug 1997
Am Weiher Immobilien AG in LiquidationMitglied des Verwaltungsrates--
Am Weiher Immobilien AG in LiquidationPräsident des Verwaltungsrates--
ESPROS Photonics AGvicepresident of the board of directors12 Mar 200828 Feb 2011
Cedes AGpresident13 Jul 199517 Sep 2001
Cedes AGmember17 Sep 200129 May 2008
Cedes AGmember14 Aug 199213 Jul 1995
Lifortis AGmember of the board of directors14 Mar 2000-
CEDES AGVizepräsident17 Sep 200113 Jul 2007
ImmoYou AG in Liquidationmember of the board of directors04 May 201708 Apr 2020
IMMOBILIENPARTNER AGpresident of the board of directors14 Aug 1997-
Fred Tschanz - StiftungMitglied des Stiftungsrates11 Nov 200901 Jul 2013
Fred Tschanz - StiftungPräsident des Stiftungsrates01 Jul 2013-
ESPROS Photonics AGmember of the board of directors28 Feb 201110 Sep 2013
Agruna AGmember of the board of directors15 May 194210 Dec 2021
Lift AGmember of the board of directors21 Feb 199715 Jul 2008