
Companies from Alabama founded in 1887 with activity "---" - Page 6

Found 136 results (0.023 seconds)

Ruhama Academy

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-791-612

Mississippi Lumber & Transportation Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-772-252

Birmingham Trust & Land Investment Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-716-789

Peoples Investment & Improvement Ass'n.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-782-935

Third Avenue Hotel & Improvement Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-802-342

Live Stock Mutual Aid Association of Alabama

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-765-662

Phillips Schillinger Brewing Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-782-994

Ruhama Baptist Church

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-791-613

Gesner Fish Pond Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-747-918

Smithfield Investment Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-794-897

Central Land Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-724-214

Southern Artificial Stone & Brick Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-795-997

Irondale Land & Improvement Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-758-715

Southern Trading Security Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-797-760

Birmingham Investment Company

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-717-139

Ensley Manufacturing & Investment Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-739-988

Westmoreland Colesaga Tonic Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-810-452

B'ham Shoe Factory

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-716-284

Natural Gas & Oil Prospecting Co. of Ala.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-777-415

Florence C. C. & I. Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-744-105




2010 (24)
2005 (23)
2000 (176)
1999 (610)
1998 (773)
1997 (821)
1996 (959)
1995 (729)
1994 (547)
1993 (392)
1992 (361)
1991 (400)
1990 (1,867)
1989 (4,856)
1988 (6,391)
1987 (1,863)
1986 (1,969)
1985 (2,043)
1984 (2,435)
1983 (2,276)
1982 (2,487)
1981 (2,905)
1980 (2,222)
1979 (2,306)
1978 (2,300)
1977 (4,540)
1976 (4,403)
1975 (2,041)
1974 (1,616)
1973 (1,682)
1972 (1,616)
1971 (1,637)
1970 (1,389)
1969 (1,055)
1968 (587)
1967 (376)
1966 (334)
1965 (400)
1964 (298)
1963 (193)
1962 (118)
1961 (118)
1960 (99)
1959 (113)
1958 (90)
1957 (71)
1956 (71)
1955 (60)
1954 (50)
1953 (46)
1952 (60)
1951 (61)
1950 (60)
1949 (38)
1948 (18)
1947 (43)
1946 (53)
1945 (15)
1944 (12)
1942 (11)
1941 (27)
1940 (28)
1939 (19)
1938 (15)
1937 (24)
1936 (57)
1935 (22)
1934 (21)
1933 (10)
1932 (17)
1931 (18)
1930 (12)
1929 (20)
1928 (28)
1927 (24)
1926 (22)
1925 (14)
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1922 (14)
1921 (19)
1920 (18)
1918 (12)
1916 (12)
1913 (10)
1912 (13)
1910 (10)
1907 (14)
1906 (10)
1904 (11)
1903 (157)
1902 (143)
1901 (129)
1900 (107)
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1897 (42)
1896 (45)
1895 (56)
1894 (36)
1893 (55)
1892 (82)
1891 (89)
1890 (110)
1889 (107)
1888 (69)
1887 (136)
1886 (64)
1885 (26)
1884 (17)
1883 (12)
1882 (30)
1850 (26)
