
Companies from Alabama founded in 1891 with activity "---"

Found 79 results (0.026 seconds)

Enterprise Club

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-740-118

Gunn Drug Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-739-443

Northington Munger Pratt Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-778-540

Walnut Grove Land & Mining Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-809-190

Bessemer Loan Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-714-917

Gate City Social Club

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-747-145

Mammoth Mfg. Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-768-716

Mayberry Building Material Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-770-198

G. A. Stowers Furniture Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-799-950

Birmingham Smelting Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-716-384

Pacific Trucking & Mfg. Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-780-795

Southern Store Supply Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-797-402

South Highlands Presbyterian Church of Birmingham, Ala.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-795-672

Columbia Southern Progressive Mfg. Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-728-615

North Alabama 2nd Advent Christian Church

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-778-239

Brazeal Publishing Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-718-980

Heidt Lumber Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-753-372

williams & Marks

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-811-895

Dirigo Lodge No. 76 of Birmingham, Ala.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-735-370

Welch Safety Attachment & Car Coupler Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-809-574




2010 (20)
2005 (21)
2000 (100)
1999 (316)
1998 (388)
1997 (381)
1996 (358)
1995 (281)
1994 (202)
1993 (186)
1992 (182)
1991 (214)
1990 (1,044)
1989 (2,621)
1988 (3,583)
1987 (795)
1986 (931)
1985 (960)
1984 (889)
1983 (858)
1982 (926)
1981 (1,207)
1980 (937)
1979 (951)
1978 (970)
1977 (2,145)
1976 (2,059)
1975 (873)
1974 (655)
1973 (697)
1972 (611)
1971 (628)
1970 (566)
1969 (422)
1968 (237)
1967 (182)
1966 (164)
1965 (216)
1964 (131)
1963 (88)
1962 (58)
1961 (69)
1960 (59)
1959 (75)
1958 (66)
1957 (51)
1956 (44)
1955 (30)
1954 (32)
1953 (29)
1952 (43)
1951 (40)
1950 (44)
1949 (19)
1948 (11)
1947 (22)
1946 (33)
1945 (13)
1941 (22)
1940 (18)
1939 (11)
1937 (11)
1936 (19)
1935 (10)
1934 (11)
1929 (14)
1928 (15)
1927 (15)
1924 (21)
1923 (14)
1922 (10)
1921 (11)
1920 (14)
1903 (129)
1902 (128)
1901 (103)
1900 (98)
1899 (68)
1898 (41)
1897 (33)
1896 (38)
1895 (52)
1894 (35)
1893 (52)
1892 (79)
1891 (79)
1890 (107)
1889 (101)
1888 (65)
1887 (126)
1886 (61)
1885 (25)
1884 (17)
1883 (10)
1882 (29)
1850 (17)
