
Companies from Alabama founded in 1918 with activity "---"

Found 6 results (0.026 seconds)

Mobile Chemical Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-729-351

Todd Alexander Merc. Co. Inc.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-803-273

Jefferson County Storage & Transfer Association

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-760-163

The Nunnally Company

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-778-717

Dixie Fruits Products Corporation

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-735-788

The Wabash Coal Mining Co., Inc.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-808-243




2010 (20)
2005 (21)
2000 (100)
1999 (316)
1998 (388)
1997 (381)
1996 (358)
1995 (281)
1994 (202)
1993 (186)
1992 (182)
1991 (214)
1990 (1,044)
1989 (2,621)
1988 (3,583)
1987 (795)
1986 (931)
1985 (960)
1984 (889)
1983 (858)
1982 (926)
1981 (1,207)
1980 (937)
1979 (951)
1978 (970)
1977 (2,145)
1976 (2,059)
1975 (873)
1974 (655)
1973 (697)
1972 (611)
1971 (628)
1970 (566)
1969 (422)
1968 (237)
1967 (182)
1966 (164)
1965 (216)
1964 (131)
1963 (88)
1962 (58)
1961 (69)
1960 (59)
1959 (75)
1958 (66)
1957 (51)
1956 (44)
1955 (30)
1954 (32)
1953 (29)
1952 (43)
1951 (40)
1950 (44)
1949 (19)
1948 (11)
1947 (22)
1946 (33)
1945 (13)
1941 (22)
1940 (18)
1939 (11)
1937 (11)
1936 (19)
1935 (10)
1934 (11)
1929 (14)
1928 (15)
1927 (15)
1924 (21)
1923 (14)
1922 (10)
1921 (11)
1920 (14)
1903 (129)
1902 (128)
1901 (103)
1900 (98)
1899 (68)
1898 (41)
1897 (33)
1896 (38)
1895 (52)
1894 (35)
1893 (52)
1892 (79)
1891 (79)
1890 (107)
1889 (101)
1888 (65)
1887 (126)
1886 (61)
1885 (25)
1884 (17)
1883 (10)
1882 (29)
1850 (17)
