
Companies from Alabama founded in 1959 with activity "---"

Found 11 results (0.024 seconds)

Corporate-Group Service of Alabama, Inc.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-730-700

Clyde W. Moore, Optician, Inc.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-013-110

M. A. C. Credit Company, Incorporated of Mobile

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-767-574

M. A. C. Credit Company, Incorporated of Birmingham

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-767-567

White's Lake Development Company, Inc.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-810-742

Houston Boat Club, Incorporated

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-756-060

The Stuart Co., Inc.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-799-261

Christian Enterprises International, Inc.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-726-070

Burgreen Asphalt Company, Incorporated

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-720-429

Alabama Sheraton Corporation

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-711-475




1990 (483)
1989 (1,490)
1988 (2,206)
1987 (478)
1986 (607)
1985 (473)
1984 (530)
1983 (463)
1982 (542)
1981 (729)
1980 (457)
1979 (496)
1978 (511)
1977 (1,554)
1976 (1,578)
1975 (521)
1974 (367)
1973 (337)
1972 (342)
1971 (420)
1970 (332)
1969 (198)
1968 (135)
1967 (86)
1966 (51)
1965 (87)
1964 (76)
1963 (50)
1962 (22)
1961 (21)
1960 (10)
1959 (11)
1955 (14)
1903 (23)
1902 (13)
1901 (19)
