
Companies from Alabama founded in 1931 with activity "---"

Found 7 results (0.024 seconds)

Merck & Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-770-953

Frigidaire Sales Corp.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-745-846

The Lewin Metals Corp.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-764-935

POS Sales and Services, Inc.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-907-026

Farmland Industries, Inc.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-911-779

National Service Industries, Inc.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-855-011

Greenville Agricultural Credit Corporation

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-912-222




2000 (71)
1999 (282)
1998 (366)
1997 (356)
1996 (454)
1995 (334)
1994 (254)
1993 (152)
1992 (133)
1991 (133)
1990 (203)
1989 (376)
1988 (276)
1987 (357)
1986 (249)
1985 (336)
1984 (550)
1983 (529)
1982 (554)
1981 (512)
1980 (457)
1979 (456)
1978 (417)
1977 (425)
1976 (362)
1975 (379)
1974 (381)
1973 (408)
1972 (412)
1971 (393)
1970 (323)
1969 (303)
1968 (149)
1967 (69)
1966 (88)
1965 (65)
1964 (66)
1963 (38)
1962 (33)
1961 (20)
1960 (19)
1959 (18)
1958 (11)
1956 (14)
1955 (10)
1949 (12)
1947 (13)
1946 (14)
1936 (29)
