
Companies from Alabama founded in 1888 with activity "---"

Found 69 results (0.037 seconds)

Nabers Morrow Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-776-115

Ingram Land & Improvement Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-758-066

Birmingham Lumber Company

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-716-764

Bradfield Houston Coal Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-718-480

Mutual Benefit Association

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-775-876

Fort Payne Coal & Iron Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-744-902

Red Ore Mining Co. of Murphys Valley

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-787-277

Evening News Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-741-014

Ensley City Transfer Company

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-740-023

Moss Back Gold Mining Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-774-959

Baxter Stove Mfg. Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-714-065

Birmingham Powderly and Bessemer Railway

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-716-531

Thomas Building Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-802-503

Sardis Baptist Church

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-791-491

South Calera Mfg. Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-795-740

Stevens Electric Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-799-056

Collinsville High School

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-728-310

Vulcan Coal & Coke Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-808-086

Peoples Homestead Building & Loan Association

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-782-937

Jefferson County Warehouse & Wagon Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-760-043




2010 (24)
2005 (23)
2000 (176)
1999 (610)
1998 (773)
1997 (821)
1996 (959)
1995 (729)
1994 (547)
1993 (392)
1992 (361)
1991 (400)
1990 (1,867)
1989 (4,856)
1988 (6,391)
1987 (1,863)
1986 (1,969)
1985 (2,043)
1984 (2,435)
1983 (2,276)
1982 (2,487)
1981 (2,905)
1980 (2,222)
1979 (2,306)
1978 (2,300)
1977 (4,540)
1976 (4,403)
1975 (2,041)
1974 (1,616)
1973 (1,682)
1972 (1,616)
1971 (1,637)
1970 (1,389)
1969 (1,055)
1968 (587)
1967 (376)
1966 (334)
1965 (400)
1964 (298)
1963 (193)
1962 (118)
1961 (118)
1960 (99)
1959 (113)
1958 (90)
1957 (71)
1956 (71)
1955 (60)
1954 (50)
1953 (46)
1952 (60)
1951 (61)
1950 (60)
1949 (38)
1948 (18)
1947 (43)
1946 (53)
1945 (15)
1944 (12)
1942 (11)
1941 (27)
1940 (28)
1939 (19)
1938 (15)
1937 (24)
1936 (57)
1935 (22)
1934 (21)
1933 (10)
1932 (17)
1931 (18)
1930 (12)
1929 (20)
1928 (28)
1927 (24)
1926 (22)
1925 (14)
1924 (29)
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1922 (14)
1921 (19)
1920 (18)
1918 (12)
1916 (12)
1913 (10)
1912 (13)
1910 (10)
1907 (14)
1906 (10)
1904 (11)
1903 (157)
1902 (143)
1901 (129)
1900 (107)
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1896 (45)
1895 (56)
1894 (36)
1893 (55)
1892 (82)
1891 (89)
1890 (110)
1889 (107)
1888 (69)
1887 (136)
1886 (64)
1885 (26)
1884 (17)
1883 (12)
1882 (30)
1850 (26)
