
Companies from Alabama founded in 2004 with activity "---"

Found 5 results (0.023 seconds)

Union Grove Missionary Baptist Church

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-819-149


ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-453-926

Alabama Education Fund

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-819-165

Cullman Law Enforcement Service Association

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-819-158

The Seawell Educational Scholarship Fund

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-819-167




2010 (24)
2005 (23)
2000 (176)
1999 (610)
1998 (773)
1997 (821)
1996 (959)
1995 (729)
1994 (547)
1993 (392)
1992 (361)
1991 (400)
1990 (1,867)
1989 (4,856)
1988 (6,391)
1987 (1,863)
1986 (1,969)
1985 (2,043)
1984 (2,435)
1983 (2,276)
1982 (2,487)
1981 (2,905)
1980 (2,222)
1979 (2,306)
1978 (2,300)
1977 (4,540)
1976 (4,403)
1975 (2,041)
1974 (1,616)
1973 (1,682)
1972 (1,616)
1971 (1,637)
1970 (1,389)
1969 (1,055)
1968 (587)
1967 (376)
1966 (334)
1965 (400)
1964 (298)
1963 (193)
1962 (118)
1961 (118)
1960 (99)
1959 (113)
1958 (90)
1957 (71)
1956 (71)
1955 (60)
1954 (50)
1953 (46)
1952 (60)
1951 (61)
1950 (60)
1949 (38)
1948 (18)
1947 (43)
1946 (53)
1945 (15)
1944 (12)
1942 (11)
1941 (27)
1940 (28)
1939 (19)
1938 (15)
1937 (24)
1936 (57)
1935 (22)
1934 (21)
1933 (10)
1932 (17)
1931 (18)
1930 (12)
1929 (20)
1928 (28)
1927 (24)
1926 (22)
1925 (14)
1924 (29)
1923 (20)
1922 (14)
1921 (19)
1920 (18)
1918 (12)
1916 (12)
1913 (10)
1912 (13)
1910 (10)
1907 (14)
1906 (10)
1904 (11)
1903 (157)
1902 (143)
1901 (129)
1900 (107)
1899 (78)
1898 (47)
1897 (42)
1896 (45)
1895 (56)
1894 (36)
1893 (55)
1892 (82)
1891 (89)
1890 (110)
1889 (107)
1888 (69)
1887 (136)
1886 (64)
1885 (26)
1884 (17)
1883 (12)
1882 (30)
1850 (26)
